Instead of ‘login’ and ‘password’ use your credentials from
<?php // You can download this file from here require('RestClient.php'); $api_url = ''; try { // Instead of 'login' and 'password' use your credentials from $client = new RestClient($api_url, null, 'login', 'password'); } catch (RestClientException $e) { echo "n"; print "HTTP code: {$e->getHttpCode()}n"; print "Error code: {$e->getCode()}n"; print "Message: {$e->getMessage()}n"; print $e->getTraceAsString(); echo "n"; exit(); } try { $result = array(); // #1 - using this method you can get a list of completed tasks // GET /v3/serp/seznam/organic/tasks_ready // in addition to 'seznam' and 'organic' you can also set other search engine and type parameters // the full list of possible parameters is available in documentation $tasks_ready = $client->get('/v3/serp/seznam/organic/tasks_ready'); // you can find the full list of the response codes here if (isset($tasks_ready['status_code']) AND $tasks_ready['status_code'] === 20000) { foreach ($tasks_ready['tasks'] as $task) { if (isset($task['result'])) { foreach ($task['result'] as $task_ready) { // #2 - using this method you can get results of each completed task // GET /v3/serp/seznam/organic/task_get/regular/$id if (isset($task_ready['endpoint_regular'])) { $result[] = $client->get($task_ready['endpoint_regular']); } // #3 - another way to get the task results by id // GET /v3/serp/seznam/organic/task_get/regular/$id /* if (isset($task_ready['id'])) { $result[] = $client->get('/v3/serp/seznam/organic/task_get/regular/' . $task_ready['id']); } */ } } } } print_r($result); // do something with result } catch (RestClientException $e) { echo "n"; print "HTTP code: {$e->getHttpCode()}n"; print "Error code: {$e->getCode()}n"; print "Message: {$e->getMessage()}n"; print $e->getTraceAsString(); echo "n"; } $client = null; ?>
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "version": "0.1.20220428", "status_code": 20000, "status_message": "Ok.", "time": "0.1045 sec.", "cost": 0, "tasks_count": 1, "tasks_error": 0, "tasks": [ { "id": "06101746-1535-0066-0000-00ecb72c7a83", "status_code": 20000, "status_message": "Ok.", "time": "0.0468 sec.", "cost": 0, "result_count": 1, "path": [ "v3", "serp", "seznam", "organic", "task_get", "regular", "06101746-1535-0066-0000-00ecb72c7a83" ], "data": { "api": "serp", "function": "task_get", "se": "seznam", "se_type": "organic", "language_code": "cs", "location_code": 2203, "keyword": "cnn news", "tag": "some_string_123", "postback_url": "", "postback_data": "html", "calculate_rectangles": true, "device": "desktop", "os": "windows" }, "result": [ { "keyword": "cnn news", "type": "organic", "se_domain": "", "location_code": 2203, "language_code": "cs", "check_url": "", "datetime": "2022-06-10 14:46:58 +00:00", "spell": null, "refinement_chips": null, "item_types": [ "organic", "top_stories", "images", "related_searches" ], "se_results_count": 0, "items_count": 10, "items": [ { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 1, "rank_absolute": 1, "domain": "", "title": "CNN International - Breaking News, US News, World News and…", "description": "Find the latest breaking news and information on the top stories, weather, business, entertainment, politics, and more. For in-depth coverage, CNN provides special reports, video, audio, photo galleries, and interactive guides.", "url": "", "breadcrumb": "" }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 2, "rank_absolute": 2, "domain": "", "title": "Nejaktuálnější zprávy z domova i ze světa - CNN Prima NEWS", "description": "Důvěryhodnost, rychlost a srozumitelnost informací pro diváky všech věkových i sociálních skupin. Objektivní, rychlé, přesné a dynamické zpravodajství. To je CNN Prima NEWS.", "url": "", "breadcrumb": "" }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 3, "rank_absolute": 4, "domain": "", "title": "CNN Prima NEWS - Hlavní stránka", "description": "CNN Prima NEWS, Královské Vinohrady, Hlavní Město Praha, Czech Republic. 110 588 To se mi líbí · Mluví o tom (48 121). Multimediální zpravodajská...", "url": "", "breadcrumb": "" }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 4, "rank_absolute": 5, "domain": "", "title": "ON-LINE: Putin dostal 1,2 milionu stížností. Každá čtvrtá se…", "description": "Válka na Ukrajině trvá již déle než tři měsíce. Přinášíme vám nejnovější zprávy z ozbrojeného konfliktu mezi Ukrajinou a Ruskem.", "url": "", "breadcrumb": "…" }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 5, "rank_absolute": 7, "domain": "", "title": "CNN Prima News – Mediaclub", "description": "CNN Prima NEWS funguje na základě smlouvy s divizí CNN International Commercial (Cnnic), která poskytuje licenci k používání značky CNN a k přístupu k obsahu a tvorbě programu v rámci celého portfolia CNN.", "url": "", "breadcrumb": "" }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 6, "rank_absolute": 8, "domain": "", "title": "Trend se otočil. Epidemie začala zrychlovat, Prymula varoval…", "description": "Za posledních sedm dní přibylo v Česku 1804 nových případů koronaviru, to je skoro o 500 víc než o týden dříve. Pokles počtu potvrzených nákaz, který trval od začátku března, se tak zastavil.", "url": "", "breadcrumb": "…" }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 7, "rank_absolute": 9, "domain": "", "title": "Exkluzivní předprodej pro diváky CNN Prima NEWS: Získejte…", "description": "Diváci CNN Prima NEWS mají exkluzivní možnost koupit si v předprodeji lístek na koncert, na kterém vystoupí i americký herec Johnny Depp. Ten se společně se svým kamarádem hudebníkem Jeffem Beckem předvede před českými fanoušky 11.", "url": "", "breadcrumb": "…" }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 8, "rank_absolute": 10, "domain": "", "title": "CNN Prima NEWS | iPrima", "description": "Nejnovější kanál skupiny Prima, který je součástí rozsáhlé stejnojmenné multimediální platformy, odstartoval 3. května 2020 v 18.55.", "url": "", "breadcrumb": "" }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 9, "rank_absolute": 11, "domain": "", "title": "Rvačka v Aši skončila tragédií. Pobodaný muž se zamknul v bytě…", "description": "Karlovarští kriminalisté objasnili vraždu. Obětí je šedesátiletý muž z Aše, zemřel po útoku nožem ve svém bytě.", "url": "", "breadcrumb": "…" }, { "type": "organic", "rank_group": 10, "rank_absolute": 12, "domain": "", "title": "CNN Prima NEWS | Prima Zoom - Prima Zoom", "description": "V květnu 2020 se stala součástí celosvětové sítě zpravodajských televizních stanic CNN i česká varianta ze skupiny Prima. Pod značkou CNN v ČR najdete také zpravodajský server.", "url": "", "breadcrumb": "" } ] } ] } ] }
Description of the fields for sending a request:
Field name | Type | Description |
id |
string | task identifier unique task identifier in our system in the UUID format you will be able to use it within 30 days to request the results of the task at any time |
As a response of the API server, you will receive JSON-encoded data containing a tasks
array with the information specific to the set tasks.
You can also get all available SERP features by making a request to the following Sandbox URL:
The response will include all available items in the Seznam Organic SERP Regular endpoint with the fields containing dummy data.
You won’t be charged for using Sandbox endpoints.
Description of the fields in the results array:
Field name | Type | Description |
version |
string | the current version of the API |
status_code |
integer | general status code you can find the full list of the response codes here Note: we strongly recommend designing a necessary system for handling related exceptional or error conditions |
status_message |
string | general informational message you can find the full list of general informational messages here |
time |
string | execution time, seconds |
cost |
float | total tasks cost, USD |
tasks_count |
integer | the number of tasks in the tasks array |
tasks_error |
integer | the number of tasks in the tasks array that were returned an error |
tasks |
array | array of tasks |
id |
string | task identifier unique task identifier in our system in the UUID format |
status_code |
integer | status code of the task generated by DataForSEO; can be within the following range: 10000-60000 you can find the full list of the response codes here |
status_message |
string | informational message of the task you can find the full list of general informational messages here |
time |
string | execution time, seconds |
cost |
float | cost of the task, USD |
result_count |
integer | number of elements in the result array |
path |
array | URL path |
data |
object | contains the same parameters that you specified in the POST request |
result |
array | array of results |
keyword |
string | keyword received in a POST array keyword is returned with decoded %## (plus symbol ‘+’ will be decoded to a space character) |
type |
string | search engine type in a POST array |
se_domain |
string | search engine domain in a POST array |
location_code |
integer | location code in a POST array |
language_code |
string | language code in a POST array |
check_url |
string | direct URL to search engine results you can use it to make sure that we provided accurate results |
datetime |
string | date and time when the result was received in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00” example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00 |
spell |
object | autocorrection of the search engine if the search engine provided results for a keyword that was corrected, we will specify the keyword corrected by the search engine and the type of autocorrection |
keyword |
string | keyword obtained as a result of search engine autocorrection the results will be provided for the corrected keyword |
type |
string | type of autocorrection possible values: did_you_mean , showing_results_for , no_results_found_for , including_results_for |
refinement_chips |
object | search refinement chips equals null |
item_types |
array | types of search results found in SERP contains types of all search results ( items ) found in the returned SERPpossible item types: images , local_pack , organic , related_searches , top_stories , featured_snippet , video
note that this array contains all types of search results found in the returned SERP; to get all items (inlcuding SERP features and rich snippets) found in the returned SERP, please refer to the Seznam Organiс Advanced SERP endpoint |
se_results_count |
integer | total number of results in SERP |
items_count |
integer | the number of results returned in the items array |
items |
array | items in SERP |
‘organic’ element in SERP | ||
type |
string | type of element = ‘organic’ |
rank_group |
integer | group rank in SERP position within a group of elements with identical type valuespositions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group |
rank_absolute |
integer | absolute rank in SERP absolute position among all the elements found in SERP |
domain |
string | domain in SERP |
title |
string | title of the results element in SERP |
description |
string | description of the results element in SERP |
url |
string | relevant URL in SERP |
breadcrumb |
string | breadcrumb in SERP |