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Google Keyword Database

Google Keyword Database encompasses billions of search terms enriched with search volume trends and other related Google Ads data.

Keyword data is collected from several sources, including Google Ads and Google search engine results pages. We’re continuously adding new keywords to the database and updating keyword data gradually in the second part of each month (due to Google Ads’ update cycle).

This database is available in both JSON and CSV formats.

Click here to download a database sample for the US location, English language.

You can also download the full list of supported locations and languages in the CSV format (last updated 2024-10-14).

The database in JSON contains data structured like in the example below:

  "keyword": "races day",
  "location": 2036,
  "language": "en",
  "spell": null,
  "spell_type": null,
  "keyword_info": {
    "search_volume": 260,
    "cpc": null,
    "competition": 0.01,
    "competition_level": "LOW",
    "low_top_of_page_bid": null,
    "high_top_of_page_bid": null,
    "time_update": "2023-03-21T20:25:36.3263513Z",
    "categories": [
    "history": {
      "202203": 210,
      "202204": 170,
      "202205": 210,
      "202206": 170,
      "202207": 260,
      "202208": 320,
      "202209": 320,
      "202210": 720,
      "202211": 260,
      "202212": 260,
      "202301": 170,
      "202302": 170
  "extra": {
    "core_keyword": null,
    "detected_language": "en",
    "keyword_difficulty": 57
  "search_intent_info": {
    "main_intent": "informational",
    "foreign_intent": [
    "last_updated_time": "2023-03-02T17:23:41.2125531Z"

Description of the fields in the database:

Field name Type Description
keyword string keyword
UTF-8 encoding applies
location integer location code
unique identifier of the corresponding location
you can receive the list of available locations with their location_code by making an API request to the
2840 corresponds to the United States
language string language code
unique identifier of the language available for the corresponding location
you can receive the list of available locations with their language_code by making an API request to the
en corresponds to English
spell string autocorrection of the search engine
if the search engine provided results for a keyword that was corrected, we will provide the keyword corrected by the search engine and the type of autocorrection
spell_type string type of autocorrection
possible values:
did_you_mean, showing_results_for, no_results_found_for
keyword_info array keyword data for the returned keyword
    search_volume integer average monthly search volume rate
represents either the approximate number of searches for the given keyword idea on or and partners, depending on the user’s targeting
    cpc float cost-per-click
represents the average cost per click (USD) historically paid for the keyword
note that Google Ads does not provide separate CPC data;
this field returns values based on data from high_top_of_page_bid supplied in Google Ads
    competition float competition
represents the relative amount of competition associated with the given keyword;
the value is based on Google Ads data and can be between 0 and 1 (inclusive)
    competition_level string competition level
represents the relative level of competition associated with the given keyword in paid SERP only;
possible values: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH
if competition level is unknown, the value is null;
learn more about the metric in this help center article
    low_top_of_page_bid float minimum bid for the ad to be displayed at the top of the first page
indicates the value greater than about 20% of the lowest bids for which ads were displayed (based on Google Ads statistics for advertisers)
the value may differ depending on the location specified in a POST request
    high_top_of_page_bid float maximum bid for the ad to be displayed at the top of the first page
indicates the value greater than about 80% of the lowest bids for which ads were displayed (based on Google Ads statistics for advertisers)
the value may differ depending on the location specified in a POST request
    time_update string date and time when keyword data was last updated
in the ISO 8601 format: “YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssssssZ”
    categories array product and service categories
you can download the full list of possible categories
    history array monthly searches
represents the (approximate) number of monthly searches on the returned keyword in the given location;
historical data is available for the past 4 years
extra array additional information about the keyword
    core_keyword string main keyword in a group
contains the main keyword in a group of keywords that share similarities across the keyword_info parameters
if the value is null, our database does not contain any keywords that match these criteria
    synonym_clustering_algorithm string the algorithm used to identify synonyms
possible values:
keyword_metrics – indicates the algorithm based on keyword_info parameters
text_processing – indicates the text-based algorithm
if the value is null, our database does not contain any keywords the corresponding algorithm could identify as synonymous with keyword
    detected_language string detected language of the keyword
indicates the language of the keyword as identified by our system
    keyword_difficulty integer difficulty of ranking in the first top-10 organic results for a keyword
indicates the chance of getting in top-10 organic results for a keyword on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 100;
calculated by analysing, among other parameters, link profiles of the first 10 pages in SERP;
learn more about the metric in this help center guide
search_intent_info object search intent info for the returned keyword
learn about search intent in this help center article
    main_intent string main search intent
possible values: informational, navigational, commercial, transactional
    foreign_intent array supplementary search intents
possible values: informational, navigational, commercial, transactional
    last_updated_time string date and time when search intent data was last updated
in the ISO 8601 format: “YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssssssZ”
