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Setting Live ‘Keywords For Keywords’ Tasks

Note that Google Ads Keywords Data API is based on the latest version of the Google Ads API that has replaced legacy Google AdWords API. If you’re using DataForSEO Google AdWords API, you need to upgrade to DataForSEO Google Ads API.
This endpoint will provide relevant keywords for the specified terms. Set up to 20 keywords in the keywords array and get keyword suggestions from Google Ads.

Note: you can send no more than 12 requests per minute per account using Google Ads Live endpoints.

Instead of ‘login’ and ‘password’ use your credentials from

// You can download this file from here
$api_url = '';
try {
	// Instead of 'login' and 'password' use your credentials from
	$client = new RestClient($api_url, null, 'login', 'password');
} catch (RestClientException $e) {
	echo "n";
	print "HTTP code: {$e->getHttpCode()}n";
	print "Error code: {$e->getCode()}n";
	print "Message: {$e->getMessage()}n";
	print  $e->getTraceAsString();
	echo "n";
$post_array = array();
// simple way to set a task
$post_array[] = array(
	"location_name" => "United States",
	"keywords" => ["phone", "cellphone"]
try {
	// POST /v3/keywords_data/google_ads/keywords_for_keywords/live
	// the full list of possible parameters is available in documentation
	$result = $client->post('/v3/keywords_data/google_ads/keywords_for_keywords/live', $post_array);
	// do something with post result
} catch (RestClientException $e) {
	echo "n";
	print "HTTP code: {$e->getHttpCode()}n";
	print "Error code: {$e->getCode()}n";
	print "Message: {$e->getMessage()}n";
	print  $e->getTraceAsString();
	echo "n";
$client = null;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "version": "0.1.20231117",
  "status_code": 20000,
  "status_message": "Ok.",
  "time": "1.8776 sec.",
  "cost": 0.075,
  "tasks_count": 1,
  "tasks_error": 0,
  "tasks": [
      "id": "11302008-1535-0368-0000-2bcb13ca4efb",
      "status_code": 20000,
      "status_message": "Ok.",
      "time": "1.8181 sec.",
      "cost": 0.075,
      "result_count": 2,
      "path": [
      "data": {
        "api": "keywords_data",
        "function": "keywords_for_keywords",
        "se": "google_ads",
        "location_code": 2840,
        "keywords": [
          "average page rpm adsense"
      "result": [
          "keyword": "average page rpm adsense",
          "location_code": 2840,
          "language_code": null,
          "search_partners": false,
          "competition": "LOW",
          "competition_index": 0,
          "search_volume": 10,
          "low_top_of_page_bid": null,
          "high_top_of_page_bid": null,
          "cpc": null,
          "monthly_searches": [
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 10,
              "search_volume": 10
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 9,
              "search_volume": 10
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 8,
              "search_volume": 0
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 7,
              "search_volume": 0
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 6,
              "search_volume": 0
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 5,
              "search_volume": 10
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 4,
              "search_volume": 10
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 3,
              "search_volume": 0
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 2,
              "search_volume": 10
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 1,
              "search_volume": 10
              "year": 2022,
              "month": 12,
              "search_volume": 10
              "year": 2022,
              "month": 11,
              "search_volume": 0
          "keyword_annotations": {
            "concepts": null
          "keyword": "adsense rpm average",
          "location_code": 2840,
          "language_code": null,
          "search_partners": false,
          "competition": "LOW",
          "competition_index": 0,
          "search_volume": 20,
          "low_top_of_page_bid": null,
          "high_top_of_page_bid": null,
          "cpc": null,
          "monthly_searches": [
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 10,
              "search_volume": 20
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 9,
              "search_volume": 20
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 8,
              "search_volume": 20
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 7,
              "search_volume": 20
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 6,
              "search_volume": 20
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 5,
              "search_volume": 20
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 4,
              "search_volume": 20
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 3,
              "search_volume": 30
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 2,
              "search_volume": 20
              "year": 2023,
              "month": 1,
              "search_volume": 30
              "year": 2022,
              "month": 12,
              "search_volume": 30
              "year": 2022,
              "month": 11,
              "search_volume": 30
          "keyword_annotations": {
            "concepts": null

All POST data should be sent in the JSON format (UTF-8 encoding). The task setting is done using the POST method. When setting a task, you should send all task parameters in the task array of the generic POST array. You can send up to 2000 API calls per minute. Visit DataForSEO Help Center to get practical tips for request handling depending on your Keyword Data API payload volume.

You can get up to 2000 keyword suggestions with all essential keyword data in response to one request. Your account will be charged for each request, no matter what number of keywords you receive in the result.

Below you will find a detailed description of the fields you can use for setting a task.

Description of the fields for setting a task:

optional field

Field name Type Description
keywords array keywords
required field
The maximum number of keywords you can specify: 20
The maximum number of characters for each keyword: 80
the keywords you specify will be converted to a lowercase format
Note: Google Ads may return no data for certain groups of keywords
visit our Help Center to learn more
Also note that Google Ads doesn’t allow using certain symbols and characters (e.g., UTF symbols, emojis), so you can’t use them when setting a task;
to learn more about which symbols and characters can be used, please refer to this article

learn more about rules and limitations of keyword and keywords fields in DataForSEO APIs in this Help Center article

location_name string full name of search engine location
optional field
if you do not indicate the location, you will receive worldwide results, i.e., for all available locations;
if you use this field, you don’t need to specify location_code or location_coordinate
you can receive the list of available locations of the search engine with their location_name by making a separate request to
London,England,United Kingdom
location_code integer search engine location code
optional field
if you do not indicate the location, you will receive worldwide results, i.e., for all available locations;
if you use this field, you don’t need to specify location_name or location_coordinate;
you can receive the list of available locations of the search engines with their location_code by making a separate request to
location_coordinate string GPS coordinates of a location
optional field
if you do not indicate the location, you will receive worldwide results, i.e., for all available locations;
if you use this field, you don’t need to specify location_name or location_code;
location_coordinate parameter should be specified in the “latitude,longitude” format;
the data will be provided for the country the specified coordinates belong to;
language_name string full name of search engine language
optional field
you can receive the list of available languages of the search engine with their language_name by making a separate request to
language_code string search engine language code
optional field
you can receive the list of available languages of the search engine with their language_code by making a separate request to
search_partners boolean include Google search partners
optional field
if you specify true, the results will be delivered for owned, operated, and syndicated networks across Google and partner sites that host Google search;
default value: false – results are returned for Google search sites
date_from string starting date of the time range
optional field
date format: "yyyy-mm-dd"
minimal value: 4 years from the current date
by default, data is returned for the past 12 months;
Note: the indicated date cannot be greater than that specified in date_to and/or yesterday’s date;if Status endpoint returns false in the actual_data field, date_from can be set to the month before last and prior;
if Status endpoint returns true in the actual_data field, date_from can be set to the last month and prior
date_to string ending date of the time range
optional field
Note: the indicated date cannot be greater than yesterday’s date;
if you don’t specify this field, yesterday’s date will be used by default
date format: "yyyy-mm-dd"
sort_by string results sorting parameters
optional field
Use these parameters to sort the results by relevance, search_volume, competition_index, low_top_of_page_bid, or high_top_of_page_bid in descending order
default value: relevance
include_adult_keywords boolean include keywords associated with adult content
optional field
if set to true, adult keywords will be included in the response
default value: false
note that the API may return no data for such keywords due to Google Ads restrictions
tag string user-defined task identifier
optional field
the character limit is 255
you can use this parameter to identify the task and match it with the result
you will find the specified tag value in the data object of the response

As a response of the API server, you will receive JSON-encoded data containing a tasks array with the information specific to the set tasks.

Description of the fields in the result array:

version string the current version of the API
status_code integer general status code
you can find the full list of the response codes here
Note: we strongly recommend designing a necessary system for handling related exceptional or error conditions
status_message string general informational message
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
time string execution time, seconds
cost float total tasks cost, USD
tasks_count integer the number of tasks in the tasks array
tasks_error integer the number of tasks in the tasks array returned with an error
tasks array array of tasks
        id string task identifier
unique task identifier in our system in the UUID format
        status_code integer status code of the task
generated by DataForSEO; can be within the following range: 10000-60000
you can find the full list of response codes here
        status_message string informational message of the task
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
        time string execution time, seconds
        cost float cost of the task, USD
        result_count integer number of elements in the result array
        path array URL path
        data object contains the same parameters that you specified in the POST request
        result array array of results
            keyword string keyword in a POST array
            location_code integer location code in a POST array
if there is no data, the value is null
            language_code string language code in a POST array
if there is no data, the value is null
            search_partners boolean include Google search partners
the value you specified when setting the task
if true, the results are returned for owned, operated, and syndicated networks across Google and partner sites that host Google search;
if false, the results are returned for Google search sites only
            competition string competition
represents the relative level of competition associated with the given keyword in paid SERP only
possible values: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH
if competition level is unknown, the value is null;
learn more about the metric in this help center article
            competition_index integer competition index
the competition index for the query indicating how competitive ad placement is for the keyword
can take values from 0 to 100
the level of competition from 0 to 100 is determined by the number of ad slots filled divided by the total number of ad slots available
if not enough data is available, the value is null;
learn more about the metric in this help center article
            search_volume integer monthly average search volume rate
represents the (approximate) number of searches for the given keyword idea either on or and partners, depending on the user’s targeting
if there is no data, the value is null
            low_top_of_page_bid float minimum bid for the ad to be displayed at the top of the first page
indicates the value greater than about 20% of the lowest bids for which ads were displayed (based on Google Ads statistics for advertisers)
the value may differ depending on the location specified in a POST request
            high_top_of_page_bid float maximum bid for the ad to be displayed at the top of the first page
indicates the value greater than about 80% of the lowest bids for which ads were displayed (based on Google Ads statistics for advertisers)
the value may differ depending on the location specified in a POST request
            cpc float cost per click
indicates the amount paid for each click on the ad displayed for a given keyword
            monthly_searches array monthly searches
represents the (approximate) number of searches on this keyword idea (as available for the past twelve months), targeted to the specified geographic locations
if there is no data, the value is null
                year integer year
                month integer month
                search_volume integer monthly average search volume rate
            keyword_annotations object the annotations for the keyword
              concepts array the list of concepts for the keyword
                    name string the concept name for the keyword in the concept_group
                    concept_group object the concept group of the concept details
                          name string the concept group name
                          type string the concept group type
