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Google Events SERP: Overview

The returned results are specific to the indicated keyword and location parameters. Note that this API works for the English language only.

Example of Google Events search engine results:

We emulate set location and search engine with the highest accuracy so that the results you receive will match the actual search results for the specified parameters at the time of task setting. You can always check the returned results accessing the check_url in the Incognito mode to make sure the received data is entirely relevant. Note that user preferences, search history, and other personalized search factors are ignored by our system and thus would not be reflected in the returned SERP results.

Note: Google Events SERP API provides results for desktop only. You can indicate the following OS that you would like to receive SERP results for when setting a task: Windows, macOS.

Google {{normal_se_type}} SERP functions

Google {{normal_se_type}} SERP Advanced endpoint provides data on the top 10 search engine results for the specified keyword and location.


The cost of using Google {{normal_se_type}} SERP endpoints depends on the selected method and priority of task execution. Available methods and priorities are described below.

DataForSEO has two main methods to deliver SERP results: Standard and Live.

If your system requires delivering instant results, the Live method is the best solution for you. Unlike the Standard method, this method doesn’t require making separate POST and GET requests to the corresponding endpoints.

If you don’t need to receive data in real-time, you can use the Standard method of data retrieval. This method requires making separate POST and GET requests, but it’s more affordable. Using this method, you can retrieve the results after our system collects them.

‌Alternatively, you can specify pingback_url or postback_url when setting a task, and we will notify you on completion of tasks or send the results to you respectively. Note that if you use the postback_url field, you should also indicate the advanced function that will be applied for data retrieval.

If you use the Standard method without specifying pingback_url or postback_url, you can receive the list of id for all completed tasks using the ‘Tasks Ready’ endpoint. It is designed to provide you with the list of completed tasks, which haven’t been collected yet. Then, you can retrieve the results using the ‘Task GET’ endpoint.

Learn more about task completion and obtaining a list of completed tasks in this help center article.

You can send up to 2000 POST and GET API calls per minute in total, with each POST call containing no more than 100 tasks. Contact us if you would like to raise the limit. ‌ 

Priorities and cost

The Live method delivers results in real-time, and accordingly, the cost of requests made using this method will be the highest.

The Standard method has two different priorities that stand for the relative speed of task execution and have different prices:

1. Normal priority;
2. High priority.

Note: setting depth above the default value will increase the cost of the task. For example, if the default value is 10, you will be billed for every 10 results. So, if you specify "depth": 15, the price for the task will be multiplied by 2 and you will be billed as for 20 results.

The cost can be calculated on the Pricing page.