cURL php NodeJS Python cSharp

List of Google Ads Search Locations for SERP API

Instead of ‘login’ and ‘password’ use your credentials from

// You can download this file from here
$api_url = '';
try {
	// Instead of 'login' and 'password' use your credentials from
	$client = new RestClient($api_url, null, 'login', 'password');
} catch (RestClientException $e) {
	echo "n";
	print "HTTP code: {$e->getHttpCode()}n";
	print "Error code: {$e->getCode()}n";
	print "Message: {$e->getMessage()}n";
	print  $e->getTraceAsString();
	echo "n";
try {
	// using this method you can get a list of locations
	// GET /v3/serp//v3/serp/google/ads_search/locations
	// in addition to '{{low_se_name}}' you can also set other search engine
	// the full list of possible parameters is available in documentation
	$result = $client->get('/v3/serp/{{low_se_name}}/{{low_se_type}}');
	// do something with result
} catch (RestClientException $e) {
	echo "n";
	print "HTTP code: {$e->getHttpCode()}n";
	print "Error code: {$e->getCode()}n";
	print "Message: {$e->getMessage()}n";
	print  $e->getTraceAsString();
	echo "n";
$client = null;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "version": "0.1.20241101",
  "status_code": 20000,
  "status_message": "Ok.",
  "time": "0.0715 sec.",
  "cost": 0,
  "tasks_count": 1,
  "tasks_error": 0,
  "tasks": [
      "id": "11191439-1535-0551-0000-3393504210b4",
      "status_code": 20000,
      "status_message": "Ok.",
      "time": "0.0092 sec.",
      "cost": 0,
      "result_count": 212,
      "path": [
      "data": {
        "api": "serp",
        "function": "locations",
        "se": "google",
        "se_type": "ads_search"
      "result": [
          "location_code": 2004,
          "location_name": "Afghanistan",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "AF",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2008,
          "location_name": "Albania",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "AL",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2010,
          "location_name": "Antarctica",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "AQ",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2012,
          "location_name": "Algeria",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "DZ",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2016,
          "location_name": "American Samoa",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "AS",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2020,
          "location_name": "Andorra",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "AD",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2024,
          "location_name": "Angola",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "AO",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2028,
          "location_name": "Antigua and Barbuda",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "AG",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2031,
          "location_name": "Azerbaijan",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "AZ",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2032,
          "location_name": "Argentina",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "AR",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2036,
          "location_name": "Australia",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "AU",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2040,
          "location_name": "Austria",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "AT",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2044,
          "location_name": "The Bahamas",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "BS",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2048,
          "location_name": "Bahrain",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "BH",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2050,
          "location_name": "Bangladesh",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "BD",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2051,
          "location_name": "Armenia",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "AM",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2052,
          "location_name": "Barbados",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "BB",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2056,
          "location_name": "Belgium",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "BE",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2064,
          "location_name": "Bhutan",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "BT",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2068,
          "location_name": "Bolivia",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "BO",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2070,
          "location_name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "BA",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2072,
          "location_name": "Botswana",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "BW",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2076,
          "location_name": "Brazil",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "BR",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2084,
          "location_name": "Belize",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "BZ",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2090,
          "location_name": "Solomon Islands",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "SB",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2096,
          "location_name": "Brunei",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "BN",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2100,
          "location_name": "Bulgaria",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "BG",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2104,
          "location_name": "Myanmar (Burma)",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "MM",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2108,
          "location_name": "Burundi",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "BI",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2116,
          "location_name": "Cambodia",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "KH",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2120,
          "location_name": "Cameroon",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "CM",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2124,
          "location_name": "Canada",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "CA",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2132,
          "location_name": "Cabo Verde",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "CV",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2140,
          "location_name": "Central African Republic",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "CF",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2144,
          "location_name": "Sri Lanka",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "LK",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2148,
          "location_name": "Chad",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "TD",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2152,
          "location_name": "Chile",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "CL",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2156,
          "location_name": "China",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "CN",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2162,
          "location_name": "Christmas Island",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "CX",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2166,
          "location_name": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "CC",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2170,
          "location_name": "Colombia",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "CO",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2174,
          "location_name": "Comoros",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "KM",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2178,
          "location_name": "Republic of the Congo",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "CG",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2180,
          "location_name": "Democratic Republic of the Congo",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "CD",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2184,
          "location_name": "Cook Islands",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "CK",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2188,
          "location_name": "Costa Rica",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "CR",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2191,
          "location_name": "Croatia",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "HR",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2196,
          "location_name": "Cyprus",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "CY",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2203,
          "location_name": "Czechia",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "CZ",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2204,
          "location_name": "Benin",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "BJ",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2208,
          "location_name": "Denmark",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "DK",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2212,
          "location_name": "Dominica",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "DM",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2214,
          "location_name": "Dominican Republic",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "DO",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2218,
          "location_name": "Ecuador",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "EC",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2222,
          "location_name": "El Salvador",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "SV",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2226,
          "location_name": "Equatorial Guinea",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "GQ",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2231,
          "location_name": "Ethiopia",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "ET",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2232,
          "location_name": "Eritrea",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "ER",
          "location_type": "Country"
          "location_code": 2233,
          "location_name": "Estonia",
          "location_code_parent": null,
          "country_iso_code": "EE",
          "location_type": "Country"

Note: All locations in russia and Belarus are no longer supported across all DataForSEO services due to the ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

‌‌As a response of the API server, you will receive JSON-encoded data containing a tasks array with the information specific to the set tasks.

Field name Type Description
version string the current version of the API
status_code integer general status code
you can find the full list of the response codes here
status_message string general informational message
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
time string execution time, seconds
cost float total tasks cost, USD
tasks_count integer the number of tasks in the tasks array
tasks_error integer the number of tasks in the tasks array returned with an error
tasks array array of tasks
        id string task identifier
unique task identifier in our system in the UUID format
        status_code integer status code of the task
generated by DataForSEO; can be within the following range: 10000-60000
you can find the full list of the response codes here
        status_message string informational message of the task
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
        time string execution time, seconds
        cost float cost of the task, USD
        result_count integer number of elements in the result array
        path array URL path
        data object contains the parameters passed in the URL of the GET request
        result array array of results
            location_code integer location code
            location_name string full name of the location
            location_code_parent integer the code of the superordinate location
"location_code": 9041134,
"location_name": "Vienna International Airport,Lower Austria,Austria",
"location_code_parent": 20044

where location_code_parent corresponds to:

"location_code": 20044,
"location_name": "Lower Austria,Austria"

            country_iso_code string ISO country code of the location
            location_type string location type