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Live {{up_se_name}} {{normal_se_type}} SERP HTML

Live SERP HTML provides a raw HTML page of 100 search engine results for the specified keyword, search engine, and location.

Instead of ‘login’ and ‘password’ use your credentials from

// You can download this file from here
$api_url = '';
try {
	// Instead of 'login' and 'password' use your credentials from
	$client = new RestClient($api_url, null, 'login', 'password');
} catch (RestClientException $e) {
	echo "\n";
	print "HTTP code: {$e->getHttpCode()}\n";
	print "Error code: {$e->getCode()}\n";
	print "Message: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
	print  $e->getTraceAsString();
	echo "\n";
$post_array = array();
// You can set only one task at a time
$post_array[] = array(
	"language_code" => "en",
	"location_code" => 2840,
	"keyword" => mb_convert_encoding("albert einstein", "UTF-8")
try {
	// POST /v3/serp/bing/{{low_se_type}}/live/html
	// in addition to 'bing' and '{{low_se_type}}' you can also set other search engine and type parameters
	// the full list of possible parameters is available in documentation
	$result = $client->post('/v3/serp/bing/{{low_se_type}}/live/html', $post_array);
	// do something with post result
} catch (RestClientException $e) {
	echo "\n";
	print "HTTP code: {$e->getHttpCode()}\n";
	print "Error code: {$e->getCode()}\n";
	print "Message: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
	print  $e->getTraceAsString();
	echo "\n";
$client = null;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "version": "0.1.20200203",
  "status_code": 20000,
  "status_message": "Ok.",
  "time": "4.7397 sec.",
  "cost": 0.003,
  "tasks_count": 1,
  "tasks_error": 0,
  "tasks": [
      "id": "02041503-1535-0140-0000-7bf8119e5832",
      "status_code": 20000,
      "status_message": "Ok.",
      "time": "4.6696 sec.",
      "cost": 0.003,
      "result_count": 1,
      "path": [
      "data": {
        "api": "serp",
        "function": "live",
        "se": "bing",
        "se_type": "{{low_se_type}}",
        "language_code": "en",
        "location_code": "2840",
        "keyword": "albert einstein",
        "tag": "tag1",
        "device": "desktop",
        "os": "windows"
      "result": [
          "keyword": "albert einstein",
          "type": "{{low_se_type}}",
          "se_domain": "",
          "location_code": 2840,
          "language_code": "en",
          "datetime": "2020-02-04 13:04:02 +0000",
          "items_count": 1,
          "items": [
              "page": 1,
              "date": "2020-02-04 13:04:02 +0000",
              "html": "<!doctype html><html><head></head></body></html>"

All POST data should be sent in the JSON format (UTF-8 encoding). The task setting is done using the POST method. When setting a task, you should send all task parameters in the task array of the generic POST array. You can send up to 2000 API calls per minute, each Live SERP API call can contain only one task.

Below you will find a detailed description of the fields you can use for setting a task.

Description of the fields for setting a task:

Field name Type Description
url string direct URL of the search query
optional field
you can specify a direct URL and we will sort it out to the necessary fields. Note that this method is the most difficult for our API to process and also requires you to specify the exact language and location in the URL. In most cases, we wouldn’t recommend using this method.
keyword string keyword
required field
you can specify up to 700 characters in the keyword field
all %## will be decoded (plus character ‘+’ will be decoded to a space character)
if you need to use the “%” character for your keyword, please specify it as “%25”;
if you need to use the “+” character for your keyword, please specify it as “%2B”;
if this field contains such parameters as ‘allinanchor:’, ‘allintext:’, ‘allintitle:’, ‘allinurl:’, ‘define:’, ‘filetype:’, ‘id:’, ‘inanchor:’, ‘info:’, ‘intext:’, ‘intitle:’, ‘inurl:’, ‘link:’, ‘related:’, ‘site:’ the charge per task will be multiplied by 5

learn more about rules and limitations of keyword and keywords fields in DataForSEO APIs in this Help Center article

location_name string full name of search engine location
required field if you don’t specify location_code or location_coordinate
if you use this field, you don’t need to specify location_code or location_coordinate
you can receive the list of available locations of the search engine with their location_name by making a separate request to the{{low_se_name}}/locations
London,England,United Kingdom
location_code integer search engine location code
required field if you don’t specify location_name or location_coordinate
if you use this field, you don’t need to specify location_name or location_coordinate
you can receive the list of available locations of the search engines with their location_code by making a separate request to the{{low_se_name}}/locations
location_coordinate string GPS coordinates of a location
required field if you don’t specify location_name or location_code
if you use this field, you don’t need to specify location_name or location_code
location_coordinate parameter should be specified in the “latitude,longitude” format
the maximum number of decimal digits for “latitude” and “longitude”: 7
language_name string full name of search engine language
required field if you don’t specify language_code
if you use this field, you don’t need to specify language_code
you can receive the list of available languages of the search engine with their language_name by making a separate request to the{{low_se_name}}/languages
language_code string search engine language code
required field if you don’t specify language_name
if you use this field, you don’t need to specify language_name
you can receive the list of available languages of the search engine with their language_code by making a separate request to the{{low_se_name}}/languages
device string device type
optional field
can take the values:desktop, mobile
default value: desktop
os string device operating system
optional field
if you specify desktop in the device field, choose from the following values: windows, macos
default value: windows
if you specify mobile in the device field, choose from the following values: android, ios
default value: android
depth integer parsing depth
optional field
number of results in SERP
default value: 100
max value: 700
Note: your account will be billed per each SERP containing up to 100 results;
thus, setting a depth above 100 may result in additional charges if the search engine returns more than 100 results;
if the specified depth is higher than the number of results in the response, the difference will be refunded automatically to your account balance
max_crawl_pages integer page crawl limit
optional field
number of search results pages to crawl
max value: 100
Note: the max_crawl_pages and depth parameters complement each other;
learn more at our help center
search_param string additional parameters of the search query
optional field
get the list of available parameters and additional details here
tag string user-defined task identifier
optional field
the character limit is 255
you can use this parameter to identify the task and match it with the result
you will find the specified tag value in the data object of the response

As a response of the API server, you will receive JSON-encoded data containing a tasks array with the information specific to the set tasks.

Description of the fields in the results array:

Field name Type Description
version string the current version of the API
status_code integer general status code
you can find the full list of the response codes here
Note: we strongly recommend designing a necessary system for handling related exceptional or error conditions
status_message string general informational message
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
time string execution time, seconds
cost float total tasks cost, USD
tasks_count integer the number of tasks in the tasks array
tasks_error integer the number of tasks in the tasks array returned with an error
tasks array array of tasks
        id string task identifier
unique task identifier in our system in the UUID format
        status_code integer status code of the task
generated by DataForSEO; can be within the following range: 10000-60000
you can find the full list of the response codes here
        status_message string informational message of the task
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
        time string execution time, seconds
        cost float cost of the task, USD
        result_count integer number of elements in the result array
        path array URL path
        data object contains the same parameters that you specified in the POST request
        result array array of results
            keyword string keyword received in a POST array
keyword is returned with decoded %## (plus character ‘+’ will be decoded to a space character)
            type string search engine type in a POST array
            se_domain string search engine domain in a POST array
            location_code integer location code in a POST array
            language_code string language code in a POST array
            datetime string date and time when the result was received
in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00”
2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00
            items_count integer the number of results returned in the items array
            items array elements of search results found in SERP
                page integer serial number of the returned HTML page
                date string date and time when the HTML page was scanned
in the format: “year-month-date:minutes:UTC_difference_hours:UTC_difference_minutes”
2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00
                html string HTML page
