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Get ‘Google AdWords Keywords For Keywords’ Results by id


Google AdWords Keywords Data API is a legacy version that is replaced by Google Ads API. If you’re using DataForSEO Google AdWords API, you need to migrate to DataForSEO Google Ads API.

This endpoint will select relevant keywords for the specified terms. Set up to 200 keywords and get the results, which are suggested by Google Ads for your query.

Note that Google AdWords API results might differ from the estimates you see in the Keyword Planner tool. Google provides account-specific results based on ad history, creatives already in the account, and other factors. The data provided by the API and in the UI might come from different sources.

Instead of ‘login’ and ‘password’ use your credentials from

// You can download this file from here
$api_url = '';
try {
	// Instead of 'login' and 'password' use your credentials from
	$client = new RestClient($api_url, null, 'login', 'password');
} catch (RestClientException $e) {
	echo "\n";
	print "HTTP code: {$e->getHttpCode()}\n";
	print "Error code: {$e->getCode()}\n";
	print "Message: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
	print  $e->getTraceAsString();
	echo "\n";
try {
	$result = array();
	// #1 - using this method you can get a list of completed tasks
	// in addition to '{{low_se_type_under}}' you can also set other parameters
	// the full list of possible parameters is available in documentation
	// GET /v3/keywords_data/google/{{low_se_type_under}}/tasks_ready
	$tasks_ready = $client->get('/v3/keywords_data/google/{{low_se_type_under}}/tasks_ready');
	// you can find the full list of the response codes here
	if (isset($tasks_ready['status_code']) AND $tasks_ready['status_code'] === 20000) {
		foreach ($tasks_ready['tasks'] as $task) {
			if (isset($task['result'])) {
				foreach ($task['result'] as $task_ready) {
					// #2 - using this method you can get results of each completed task
					// GET /v3/keywords_data/google/{{low_se_type_under}}/task_get/$id
					if (isset($task_ready['endpoint'])) {
						$result[] = $client->get($task_ready['endpoint']);
					// #3 - another way to get the task results by id
					// GET /v3/keywords_data/google/{{low_se_type_under}}/task_get/$id
					if (isset($task_ready['id'])) {
						$result[] = $client->get('/v3/keywords_data/google/{{low_se_type_under}}/task_get/' . $task_ready['id']);
	// do something with result
} catch (RestClientException $e) {
	echo "\n";
	print "HTTP code: {$e->getHttpCode()}\n";
	print "Error code: {$e->getCode()}\n";
	print "Message: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
	print  $e->getTraceAsString();
	echo "\n";
$client = null;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "version": "0.1.20200130",
    "status_code": 20000,
    "status_message": "Ok.",
    "time": "5.0565 sec.",
    "cost": 0,
    "tasks_count": 1,
    "tasks_error": 0,
    "tasks": [
            "id": "01301829-1535-0107-0000-a8b42eea40e8",
            "status_code": 20000,
            "status_message": "Ok.",
            "time": "0 sec.",
            "cost": 0,
            "result_count": 673,
            "path": [
            "data": {
                "api": "keywords_data",
                "function": "keywords_for_keywords",
                "se": "google",
                "language_code": "en",
                "location_code": 2840,
                "keywords": [
                    "average page rpm adsense",
                    "adsense blank ads how long",
                    "leads and prospects"
                "tag": "tag1"
            "result": [
                    "keyword": "lead",
                    "location_code": 2840,
                    "language_code": "en",
                    "search_partners": false,
                    "competition": 0.06312862327378989,
                    "cpc": 7.72268,
                    "search_volume": 135000,
                    "categories": [
                    "monthly_searches": [
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 12,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 11,
                            "search_volume": 135000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 10,
                            "search_volume": 165000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 9,
                            "search_volume": 165000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 8,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 7,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 6,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 5,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 4,
                            "search_volume": 135000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 3,
                            "search_volume": 135000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 2,
                            "search_volume": 135000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 1,
                            "search_volume": 135000
                    "keyword": "google adsense",
                    "location_code": 2840,
                    "language_code": "en",
                    "search_partners": false,
                    "competition": 0.1818930929281237,
                    "cpc": 1.858456,
                    "search_volume": 110000,
                    "categories": [
                    "monthly_searches": [
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 12,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 11,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 10,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 9,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 8,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 7,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 6,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 5,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 4,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 3,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 2,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 1,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                    "keyword": "adsense",
                    "location_code": 2840,
                    "language_code": "en",
                    "search_partners": false,
                    "competition": 0.10024431527022201,
                    "cpc": 1.427514,
                    "search_volume": 110000,
                    "categories": [
                    "monthly_searches": [
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 12,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 11,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 10,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 9,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 8,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 7,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 6,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 5,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 4,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 3,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 2,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 1,
                            "search_volume": 135000
                    "keyword": "prospect",
                    "location_code": 2840,
                    "language_code": "en",
                    "search_partners": false,
                    "competition": 0.0032797439370289166,
                    "cpc": 4.623882,
                    "search_volume": 90500,
                    "categories": [
                    "monthly_searches": [
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 12,
                            "search_volume": 74000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 11,
                            "search_volume": 74000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 10,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 9,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 8,
                            "search_volume": 74000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 7,
                            "search_volume": 74000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 6,
                            "search_volume": 60500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 5,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 4,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 3,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 2,
                            "search_volume": 110000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 1,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                    "keyword": "mlm",
                    "location_code": 2840,
                    "language_code": "en",
                    "search_partners": false,
                    "competition": 0.04609994966369266,
                    "cpc": 5.00388,
                    "search_volume": 90500,
                    "categories": [
                    "monthly_searches": [
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 12,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 11,
                            "search_volume": 74000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 10,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 9,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 8,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 7,
                            "search_volume": 74000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 6,
                            "search_volume": 74000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 5,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 4,
                            "search_volume": 74000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 3,
                            "search_volume": 90500
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 2,
                            "search_volume": 74000
                            "year": 2019,
                            "month": 1,
                            "search_volume": 110000

Description of the fields for sending a request:

Field name Type Description
id string task identifier
unique task identifier in our system in the UUID format
you will be able to use it within 30 days to request the results of the task at any time

‌‌As a response of the API server, you will receive JSON-encoded data containing a tasks array with the information specific to the set tasks.

Description of the fields in the results array:

Field name Type Description
version string the current version of the API
status_code integer general status code
you can find the full list of the response codes here
Note: we strongly recommend designing a necessary system for handling related exceptional or error conditions
status_message string general informational message
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
time string execution time, seconds
cost float total tasks cost, USD
tasks_count integer the number of tasks in the tasks array
tasks_error integer the number of tasks in the tasks array returned with an error
tasks array array of tasks
        id string task identifier
unique task identifier in our system in the UUID format
        status_code integer status code of the task
generated by DataForSEO; can be within the following range: 10000-60000
you can find the full list of response codes here
        status_message string informational message of the task
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
        time string execution time, seconds
        cost float cost of the task, USD
        result_count integer number of elements in the result array
        path array URL path
        data object contains the same parameters that you specified in the POST request
        result array array of results
            keyword string keyword in a POST array
            location_code integer location code in a POST array
if there is no data, then the value is null
            language_code string language code in a POST array
if there is no data, then the value is null
            search_partners boolean indicates whether data from partner networks included in the response
            competition float competition
represents the relative amount of competition associated with the given keyword in paid SERP only. This value is based on Google Ads data and can be between 0 and 1 (inclusive).
if there is no data, then the value is null
            cpc float cost-per-click
represents the average cost per click (USD) historically paid for the keyword.
if there is no data, then the value is null
            search_volume integer monthly average search volume rate
represents the (approximate) number of searches for the keyword on or and partners, depending on the user’s targeting
if there is no data, then the value is null
            categories array product and service categories
you can download the full list of possible categories
if there is no data, then the value is null
            monthly_searches array monthly searches
represents the (approximate) number of searches on this keyword (as available for the past twelve months), targeted to the specified geographic locations.
if there is no data, then the value is null
                year integer year
                month integer month
                search_volume integer monthly average search volume rate
