Domains by Technology
This endpoint provides domains based on the technology they use. In addition to the list of domains, you will also get their technology profiles, the country and language they belong to, and other related data.
This endpoint provides domains based on the technology they use. In addition to the list of domains, you will also get their technology profiles, the country and language they belong to, and other related data.
Instead of ‘login’ and ‘password’ use your credentials from
# Instead of 'login' and 'password' use your credentials from"login"password="password"cred="$(printf ${login}:${password} | base64)"curl --location --request POST "" \--header "Authorization: Basic ${cred}" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data-raw '[{"technologies": [ "Nginx"],"filters":[["country_iso_code","=","US"],"and",["domain_rank",">",800]],"order_by": ["last_visited,desc"],"limit": 10}]'# Instead of 'login' and 'password' use your credentials from login="login" password="password" cred="$(printf ${login}:${password} | base64)" curl --location --request POST "" \ --header "Authorization: Basic ${cred}" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data-raw '[ { "technologies": [ "Nginx"], "filters":[ [ "country_iso_code", "=", "US" ], "and", [ "domain_rank", ">", 800 ]], "order_by": ["last_visited,desc"], "limit": 10 } ]'# Instead of 'login' and 'password' use your credentials from login="login" password="password" cred="$(printf ${login}:${password} | base64)" curl --location --request POST "" \ --header "Authorization: Basic ${cred}" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data-raw '[ { "technologies": [ "Nginx"], "filters":[ [ "country_iso_code", "=", "US" ], "and", [ "domain_rank", ">", 800 ]], "order_by": ["last_visited,desc"], "limit": 10 } ]'
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All POST data should be sent in the JSON format (UTF-8 encoding). The task setting is done using the POST method. When setting a task, you should send all task parameters in the task array of the generic POST array. You can send up to 2000 API requests per minute.
You can specify the number of results you want to retrieve, filter and sort them.
Description of the fields for setting a task:
Field name | Type | Description | |
technology_paths |
array | target technology paths required field if you don’t specify groups , technologies , keywords or categories at least one field ( technology_paths , groups , technologies , keywords or categories ) must be set;each technology path should be specified as a separate object containing “path” and “name”, where “path” is specified as “$group_id.$category_id” and “name” – as the name of the target technology; each object with a technology path should be separated with a comma you can find the full list of technology group ids, category ids and technology names on this page note: you can specify up to 10 technology paths in this array example: [{"path": "content.cms","name": "wordpress"}, {"path": "marketing.crm","name": "salesforce"}] |
groups |
array | ids of the target technology groups required field if you don’t specify technologies , technology_paths , keywords or categories you can find the full list of technology group ids on this page note: you can specify up to 10 technology groups in this array example: ["sales", "marketing"] |
categories |
array | ids of the target technology categories required field if you don’t specify groups , technology_paths , keywords or technologies you can find the full list of technology category ids on this page note: you can specify up to 10 technology categories in this array example: ["payment_processors","crm"] |
technologies |
array | target technologies required field if you don’t specify groups , technology_paths , keywords or categories you can find the full list of technologies you can specify here on this page note: you can specify up to 10 technologies in this array example: ["Google Pay","Salesforce"] |
keywords |
array | target keywords in the domain’s title, description or meta keywords required field if you don’t specify groups , technology_paths , technologies or categories optional field you can specify the maximum of 10 keywords; UTF-8 encoding; example: ["seo","software"]
learn more about rules and limitations of |
mode |
string | search mode optional field possible search mode types: as_is – search for results exactly matching the specified group ids, category ids, or technology namesentry – search for results matching a part of the specified group ids, category ids, or technology namesdefault value: as_is |
filters |
array | array of results filtering parameters optional field you can add several filters at once (8 filters maximum) you should set a logical operator and , or between the conditionsthe following operators are supported: < , <= , > , >= , = , <> , in , not_in , like , not_like you can use the % operator with like and not_like to match any string of zero or more charactersexample: ["country_iso_code","=","US"]
for more information about filters, please refer to Domain Analytics Technologies API – Filters |
order_by |
array | results sorting rules optional field available fields: domain_rank , domain , last_visited , country_iso_code , language_code , content_language_code possible sorting types: asc – results will be sorted in the ascending orderdesc – results will be sorted in the descending orderyou should use a comma to set up a sorting type example: ["last_visited,desc"] default rule: ["domain_rank,desc"] note that you can set no more than three sorting rules in a single request you should use a comma to separate several sorting rules example: ["last_visited,desc","domain_rank,desc"] |
limit |
integer | the maximum number of returned domains optional field default value: 100 maximum value: 10000 |
offset |
integer | offset in the results array of returned domains optional field default value: 0 if you specify the 10 value, the first ten domains in the results array will be omitted and the data will be provided for the successive domains;Note: the maximum value is 9999 , the sum of limit and offset must not exceed 10000 ;use the offset_token if you would like to offset more results |
offset_token |
string | token for subsequent requests optional field provided in the identical filed of the response to each request; use this parameter to avoid timeouts while trying to obtain over 100,000 results in a single request; by specifying the unique offset_token value from the response array, you will get the subsequent results of the initial task;offset_token values are unique for each subsequent taskNote: if the offset_token is specified in the request, all other parameters should be identical to the previous request |
As a response of the API server, you will receive JSON-encoded data containing a tasks
array with the information specific to the set tasks.
Description of the fields in the results array:
Field name | Type | Description | |
version |
string | the current version of the API | |
status_code |
integer | general status code you can find the full list of the response codes here Note: we strongly recommend designing a necessary system for handling related exceptional or error conditions |
status_message |
string | general informational message you can find the full list of general informational messages here |
time |
string | execution time, seconds | |
cost |
float | total tasks cost, USD | |
tasks_count |
integer | the number of tasks in the tasks array |
tasks_error |
integer | the number of tasks in the tasks array returned with an error |
tasks |
array | array of tasks | |
id |
string | task identifier unique task identifier in our system in the UUID format |
status_code |
integer | status code of the task generated by DataForSEO; can be within the following range: 10000-60000 you can find the full list of the response codes here |
status_message |
string | informational message of the task you can find the full list of general informational messages here |
time |
string | execution time, seconds | |
cost |
float | cost of the task, USD | |
result_count |
integer | number of elements in the result array |
path |
array | URL path | |
data |
object | contains the same parameters that you specified in the POST request |
result |
array | array of results | |
total_count |
integer | total number of relevant items in the database | |
items_count |
integer | number of items in the results array | |
offset |
integer | specified offset value | |
offset_token |
string | token for subsequent requests by specifying the unique offset_token when setting a new task, you will get the subsequent results of the initial task;offset_token values are unique for each subsequent task |
items |
array | items array | |
type |
string | type of the item = ‘domain_technology_item’ | |
domain |
string | specified domain name | |
title |
string | domain meta title | |
description |
string | domain meta description | |
meta_keywords |
array | domain meta keywords | |
domain_rank |
string | backlink rank of the target domain learn more about the metric and how it is calculated in this help center article |
last_visited |
string | most recent date when our crawler visited the domain in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00” example: 2022-10-10 12:57:46 +00:00 |
country_iso_code |
string | domain ISO code ISO code of the country that target domain is determined to belong to |
language_code |
string | domain language code of the language that target domain is determined to be associated with |
content_language_code |
string | content language code of the language that content on the target domain is written with |
phone_numbers |
array | phone numbers of the target contact phone numbers indicated on the target website |
emails |
array | emails of the target emails indicated on the target website |
social_graph_urls |
array | social media links and handles social media URLs detected in the social graphs of the target website |
technologies |
object | technologies used by target domain contains objects with the names of technologies used on the website; to get a full list of technologies and their structure, refer to the technologies endpoint |