cURL php NodeJS Python cSharp

Domain Intersection

This endpoint will provide you with the keywords for which both specified domains rank within the same SERP. You will get data on each intersecting keyword. Along with that, you will get data on the first and second domain’s SERP element discovered for this keyword, as well as the estimated traffic volume and cost of ad traffic. Domain Intersection endpoint supports organic, paid, local pack, and featured snippet results.

Instead of ‘login’ and ‘password’ use your credentials from

// You can download this file from here
$api_url = '';
// Instead of 'login' and 'password' use your credentials from
$client = new RestClient($api_url, null, 'login', 'password');

$post_array = array();
// simple way to set a task
$post_array[] = array(
   "target1" => "",
   "target2" => "",
   "language_name" => "English",
   "location_code" => 2840,
   "filters" => [
      ["first_domain_serp_element.etv", ">", 0],
      ["first_domain_serp_element.description", "like", "%goat%"]
try {
   // POST /v3/dataforseo_labs/bing/domain_intersection/live
   $result = $client->post('/v3/dataforseo_labs/bing/domain_intersection/live', $post_array);
   // do something with post result
} catch (RestClientException $e) {
   echo "\n";
   print "HTTP code: {$e->getHttpCode()}\n";
   print "Error code: {$e->getCode()}\n";
   print "Message: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
   print  $e->getTraceAsString();
   echo "\n";
$client = null;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

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                                            "month": 12,
                                            "search_volume": 10
                                            "year": 2021,
                                            "month": 11,
                                            "search_volume": 20
                                            "year": 2021,
                                            "month": 10,
                                            "search_volume": 20
                                            "year": 2021,
                                            "month": 9,
                                            "search_volume": 10
                                            "year": 2021,
                                            "month": 8,
                                            "search_volume": 20
                                            "year": 2021,
                                            "month": 7,
                                            "search_volume": 10
                                            "year": 2021,
                                            "month": 6,
                                            "search_volume": 10
                                            "year": 2021,
                                            "month": 5,
                                            "search_volume": 10
                                            "year": 2021,
                                            "month": 4,
                                            "search_volume": 20
                                            "year": 2021,
                                            "month": 3,
                                            "search_volume": 20
                                "keyword_properties": {
                                    "se_type": "bing",
                                    "core_keyword": null,
                                    "synonym_clustering_algorithm": "text_processing",
                                    "keyword_difficulty": 100,
                                    "detected_language": "en",
                                    "is_another_language": false
                                "serp_info": {
                                    "se_type": "bing",
                                    "check_url": "",
                                    "serp_item_types": [
                                    "se_results_count": 9340000,
                                    "last_updated_time": "2022-02-20 09:38:21 +00:00",
                                    "previous_updated_time": "1970-01-01 03:00:00 +00:00"
                            "first_domain_serp_element": {
                                "se_type": "bing",
                                "type": "organic",
                                "rank_group": 28,
                                "rank_absolute": 31,
                                "position": "left",
                                "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/main[1]/ol[1]/li[31]",
                                "domain": "",
                                "title": "What Is the Difference Between a Wasp & a Mud Dauber? -",
                                "url": "",
                                "breadcrumb": "",
                                "is_image": false,
                                "is_video": false,
                                "is_featured_snippet": false,
                                "is_malicious": false,
                                "description": "Fully grown, a wasp can reach 1.5 inches in length and is identifiable by body type as well as by varied and distinctive coloration. Mud daubers fall into the solitary hunting wasp category, while creatures like yellow jackets and hornets are social varieties.",
                                "pre_snippet": null,
                                "extended_snippet": null,
                                "amp_version": false,
                                "rating": null,
                                "highlighted": [
                                "links": null,
                                "about_this_result": null,
                                "main_domain": "",
                                "relative_url": "/difference-between-wasp-mud-dauber-6813.html?bcsi-ac-95782208a8e11336=283670A400000202CA6bss3xEi7S3lj6Hl1hVAjmprhpBgAAAgIAAM0SGACEAwAABAAAADTKBAA=",
                                "etv": 0.020999999716877937,
                                "estimated_paid_traffic_cost": 0.002099999925121665,
                                "rank_changes": {
                                    "previous_rank_absolute": null,
                                    "is_new": true,
                                    "is_up": false,
                                    "is_down": false
                            "second_domain_serp_element": {
                                "se_type": "bing",
                                "type": "organic",
                                "rank_group": 17,
                                "rank_absolute": 20,
                                "position": "left",
                                "xpath": "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/main[1]/ol[1]/li[20]",
                                "domain": "",
                                "title": "In slang what is a “wasp”? - Quora",
                                "url": "",
                                "breadcrumb": "",
                                "is_image": false,
                                "is_video": false,
                                "is_featured_snippet": false,
                                "is_malicious": false,
                                "description": "Answer (1 of 3): I believe the word “ wasp ” originated from the acronym W.A.S. P. - i.e. a White Anglo Saxon Protestant. Not always requiring membership of all groups, a “ wasp ” became a catch-all word for fully-fledged members of The Establishment. In some ways rather a general word to describe pe...",
                                "pre_snippet": null,
                                "extended_snippet": null,
                                "amp_version": false,
                                "rating": null,
                                "highlighted": [
                                    "White Anglo Saxon Protestant",
                                "links": null,
                                "about_this_result": null,
                                "main_domain": "",
                                "relative_url": "/In-slang-what-is-a-wasp",
                                "etv": 0.0430000014603138,
                                "estimated_paid_traffic_cost": 0.00430000014603138,
                                "rank_changes": {
                                    "previous_rank_absolute": null,
                                    "is_new": true,
                                    "is_up": false,
                                    "is_down": false

All POST data should be sent in the JSON format (UTF-8 encoding). The task setting is done using the POST method. When setting a task, you should send all task parameters in the task array of the generic POST array. You can send up to 2000 API calls per minute. The maximum number of requests that can be sent simultaneously is limited to 30.

You can specify the number of results you want to retrieve and sort them.

Below you will find a detailed description of the fields you can use for setting a task.

Description of the fields for setting a task:

Field name Type Description
target1 string domain
required field
the domain name of the first target website
the domain should be specified without https:// and www.
target2 string domain
required field
the domain name of the second target website
the domain should be specified without https:// and www.
location_name string full name of the location
required field if you don’t specify location_code
Note: it is required to specify either location_name or location_code
you can receive the list of available locations with their location_name by making a separate request to;
Note: this endpoint currently supports the US location only;
United States
location_code integer location code
required field if you don’t specify location_name
Note: it is required to specify either location_name or location_code
you can receive the list of available locations with their location_code by making a separate request to;
Note: this endpoint currently supports the US location only;
language_name string full name of the language
required field if you don’t specify language_code
Note: it is required to specify either language_name or language_code
you can receive the list of available languages with their language_name by making a separate request to the
language_code string language code
required field if you don’t specify language_name
Note: it is required to specify either language_name or language_code
you can receive the list of available languages with their language_code by making a separate request to the
intersections boolean domain intersections in SERP
optional field
if you set intersections to true, you will get the keywords for which both target domains specified as target1 and target2 have results within the same SERP; the corresponding SERP elements for both domains will be provided in the results array
Note: this endpoint will not provide results if the number of intersecting keywords exceeds 10 million

if you specify intersections: false, you will get the keywords for which the domain specified as target1 has results in SERP, and the domain specified as target2 doesn’t;
thus, the corresponding SERP elements and other data will be provided for the domain specified as target1only
default value: true

item_types array search results type
indicates type of search results included in the response
optional field

possible values:
["organic", "paid", "featured_snippet", "local_pack"]
default value:
["organic", "paid"]

include_serp_info boolean include data from SERP for each keyword
optional field
if set to true, we will return a serp_info array containing SERP data (number of search results, relevant URL, and SERP features) for every keyword in the response
default value: false
limit integer the maximum number of returned keywords
optional field
default value: 100
maximum value: 1000
offset integer offset in the items array of returned keywords
optional field
default value: 0
if you specify the 10 value, the first ten keywords in the results array will be omitted and the data will be provided for the successive keywords
filters array array of results filtering parameters
optional field
you can add several filters at once (8 filters maximum)
you should set a logical operator and, or between the conditions
the following operators are supported:
regex, not_regex, <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in, ilike, not_ilike, like, not_like, match, not_match
you can use the % operator with like and not_like, as well as ilike and not_ilike to match any string of zero or more characters



for more information about filters, please refer to Dataforseo Labs – Filters or this help center guide

order_by array results sorting rules
optional field
you can use the same values as in the filters array to sort the results
possible sorting types:
asc – results will be sorted in the ascending order
desc – results will be sorted in the descending order
you should use a comma to set up a sorting parameter
default rule:
note that you can set no more than three sorting rules in a single request
you should use a comma to separate several sorting rules
tag string user-defined task identifier
optional field
the character limit is 255
you can use this parameter to identify the task and match it with the result
you will find the specified tag value in the data object of the response

As a response of the API server, you will receive JSON-encoded data containing a tasks array with the information specific to the set tasks.

Description of the fields in the results array:

Field name Type Description
version string the current version of the API
status_code integer general status code
you can find the full list of the response codes here
Note: we strongly recommend designing a necessary system for handling related exceptional or error conditions
status_message string general informational message
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
time string execution time, seconds
cost float total tasks cost, USD
tasks_count integer the number of tasks in the tasks array
tasks_error integer the number of tasks in the tasks array returned with an error
tasks array array of tasks
        id string task identifier
unique task identifier in our system in the UUID format
        status_code integer status code of the task
generated by DataForSEO; can be within the following range: 10000-60000
you can find the full list of the response codes here
        status_message string informational message of the task
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
        time string execution time, seconds
        cost float cost of the task, USD
        result_count integer number of elements in the result array
        path array URL path
        data object contains the same parameters that you specified in the POST request
        result array array of results
            se_type string search engine type
search engine type specified in a POST request;
for this endpoint, the field equals bing
            target1 string target specified in a POST array
            target2 string target specified in a POST array
            location_code integer location code in a POST array
            language_code string language code in a POST array
            total_count integer total amount of results in our database relevant to your request
            items_count integer the number of results returned in the items array
            items array contains keywords, relevant SERP elements and related data
                se_type string search engine type
search engine type specified in a POST request;
for this endpoint, the field equals bing
                keyword_data object keyword data for the returned keyword
                    se_type string search engine type
search engine type specified in a POST request;
for this endpoint, the field equals bing
                    keyword string returned keyword
                    location_code integer location code in a POST array
                    language_code string language code in a POST array
                    keyword_info object keyword data for the returned keyword
                        se_type string search engine type
search engine type specified in a POST request;
for this endpoint, the field equals bing
                        last_updated_time string date and time when keyword data was updated
in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00”
2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00
                        competition float competition
represents the relative amount of competition associated with the given keyword
this value is based on Bing Ads data and can be between 0 and 1 (inclusive)
                        cpc float cost-per-click
represents the average cost per click (USD) historically paid for the keyword
                        search_volume integer average monthly search volume rate
represents the (approximate) number of searches for the returned keyword on
                        monthly_searches array monthly searches
represents the (approximate) number of searches for this keyword (as available for the past twelve months), targeted to the specified geographic locations
                            year integer year
                            month integer month
                           search_volume integer monthly average search volume rate
                    keyword_properties object additional information about the keyword
                        se_type string search engine type
                        core_keyword string main keyword in a group
contains the main keyword in a group determined by the synonym clustering algorithm
if the value is null, our database does not contain any keywords the corresponding algorithm could identify as synonymous with keyword
                        synonym_clustering_algorithm string the algorithm used to identify synonyms
possible values:
keyword_metrics – indicates the algorithm based on keyword_info parameters
text_processing – indicates the text-based algorithm
if the value is null, our database does not contain any keywords the corresponding algorithm could identify as synonymous with keyword
                        keyword_difficulty integer difficulty of ranking in the first top-10 organic results for a keyword
indicates the chance of getting in top-10 organic results for a keyword on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 100;
calculated by analysing, among other parameters, link profiles of the first 10 pages in SERP;
learn more about the metric in this help center guide
                        detected_language string detected language of the keyword
indicates the language of the keyword as identified by our system
                        is_another_language boolean detected language of the keyword is different from the set language
if true, the language set in the request does not match the language determined by our system for a given keyword
                   serp_info object SERP data
the value will be null if you didn’t set the field include_serp_info to true in the POST array or if there is no SERP data for this keyword in our database
                       se_type string search engine type
search engine type specified in a POST request;
for this endpoint, the field equals bing
                       check_url string direct URL to search engine results
you can use it to make sure that we provided accurate results
                       serp_item_types array types of search results in SERP
contains types of search results (items) found in SERP
possible item types:
answer_box, carousel, events, featured_snippet, hotels_pack, images, jobs, local_pack, map, organic, paid, people_also_ask, people_also_search,questions_and_answers, recipes, related_searches, shopping, top_stories, video;
note that the actual results will be returned only for organic, paid, featured_snippet, and local_pack elements
                       se_results_count string number of search results for the returned keyword
                       last_updated_time string date and time when SERP data was updated
in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00”
2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00
                       previous_updated_time string previous to the most recent date and time when SERP data was updated
in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00”
2019-10-15 12:57:46 +00:00
                first_domain_serp_element object contains data on the first domain’s SERP element found for the returned keyword
the list of supported SERP elements can be found below
                second_domain_serp_element object contains data on the second domain’s SERP element found for the returned keyword
the list of supported SERP elements can be found below
                ‘organic’ element in SERP’
                        se_type string search engine type
search engine type specified in a POST request;
for this endpoint, the field equals bing
                        type string type of element = ‘organic’
                        rank_group integer position within a group of elements with identical type values
positions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group
                        rank_absolute integer absolute rank in SERP
absolute position among all the elements in SERP
                        position string the alignment of the element in SERP
can take the following values:
left, right
                        xpath string the XPath of the element
                        domain string subdomain in SERP
                        title string title of the result in SERP
                        url string relevant URL in SERP
                        breadcrumb string breadcrumb in SERP
                        is_image boolean indicates whether the element contains an image
                        is_video boolean indicates whether the element contains a video
                        is_featured_snippet boolean indicates whether the element is a featured_snippet
                        is_malicious boolean indicates whether the element is marked as malicious
                        description string description of the results element in SERP
                        pre_snippet string includes additional information appended before the result description in SERP
                        extended_snippet string includes additional information appended after the result description in SERP
                        amp_version boolean Accelerated Mobile Pages
indicates whether an item has the Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) version
                        rating object the item’s rating
the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP
                            rating_type string the type of rating
here you can find the following elements: Max5, Percents, CustomMax
                            value integer the value of the rating
                            votes_count integer the amount of feedback
                            rating_max integer the maximum value for a rating_type
                        highlighted array words highlighted in bold within the results description
                        links array sitelinks
the links shown below some of the search results
if there are none, equals null
                           type string type of element = ‘link_element
                           title string title of the result in SERP
                          description string description of the results element in SERP
                           url string sitelink URL
                        main_domain string primary domain name in SERP
                        relative_url string relative URL in SERP
                        etv float estimated traffic volume
estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain;
calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the returned keyword
learn more about how the metric is calculated in this help center article
                        estimated_paid_traffic_cost float estimated cost of converting organic search traffic into paid
represents the estimated monthly cost of running ads (USD) for the returned keyword;
the metric is calculated as the product of organic etv and paid cpc values and indicates the cost of driving the estimated volume of monthly organic traffic through PPC advertising in Bing Search
learn more about how the metric is calculated in this help center article
                        rank_changes object changes in rankings
contains information about the ranking changes of the SERP element since the previous_updated_time
                            previous_rank_absolute integer previous absolute rank in SERP
indicates previous rank of the element in Bing SERP;
if this element is new, the value will be null
                            is_new boolean element was previously present in SERP
if the value is true, previously collected SERP didn’t contain this element
                            is_up boolean rank of this element went up
if the value is true, position of the element in SERP is higher compared to the previous check
                            is_down boolean rank of this element went down
if the value is true, position of the element in SERP is lower compared to the previous check
                ‘paid’ element in SERP
                        se_type string search engine type
search engine type specified in a POST request;
for this endpoint, the field equals bing
                        type string type of element = ‘paid’
                        rank_group integer position within a group of elements with identical type values
positions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group
                        rank_absolute integer absolute rank in SERP
absolute position among all the elements in SERP
                        position string the alignment of the element in SERP
can take the following values:
left, right
                        xpath string the XPath of the element
                        title string title of the result in SERP
                        domain string domain in SERP of the Ad element
                        description string description of the results element in SERP
                        breadcrumb string breadcrumb of the Ad element in SERP
                        url string relevant URL of the Ad element in SERP
                        highlighted array words highlighted in bold within the results description
                        extra array additional information about the result
                        ad_aclk string the identifier of the ad
                        description_rows array extended description
if there is none, equals null
                        links array sitelinks
the links shown below some of the search results
if there are none, equals null
                            type string type of element = ‘ad_link_element
                            title string title of the link element
                            description string description of the results element in SERP
                            url string URL link
                            ad_aclk string the identifier of the ad
                        main_domain string primary domain name in SERP
                        relative_url string relative URL in SERP
                        etv float estimated traffic volume
estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain;
calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the returned keyword
learn more about how the metric is calculated in this help center article
                        estimated_paid_traffic_cost float estimated cost of paid monthly search traffic
represents the estimated cost of paid monthly traffic (USD) based on etv and cpc values
learn more about how the metric is calculated in this help center article
                        rank_changes object changes in rankings
contains information about the ranking changes of the SERP element since the previous_updated_time
                            previous_rank_absolute integer previous absolute rank in SERP
indicates previous rank of the element in Bing SERP;
if this element is new, the value will be null
                            is_new boolean element was previously present in SERP
if the value is true, previously collected SERP didn’t contain this element
                            is_up boolean rank of this element went up
if the value is true, position of the element in SERP is higher compared to the previous check
                            is_down boolean rank of this element went down
if the value is true, position of the element in SERP is lower compared to the previous check
                ‘local_pack’ element in SERP
                        se_type string search engine type
search engine type specified in a POST request;
for this endpoint, the field equals bing
                        type string type of element = ‘local_pack’
                        rank_group integer position within a group of elements with identical type values
positions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group
                        rank_absolute integer absolute rank in SERP
absolute position among all the elements in SERP
                        position string the alignment of the element in SERP
can take the following values:
left, right
                        xpath string the XPath of the element
                        title string title of the result in SERP
                        description string description of the results element in SERP
                        domain string domain in SERP
                        phone string phone number
                        url string relevant URL
                        is_paid boolean indicates whether the element is an ad
                        rating object the item’s rating
the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP
                            rating_type string the type of rating
here you can find the following elements: Max5, Percents, CustomMax
                            value integer the value of the rating
                            votes_count integer the amount of feedback
                            rating_max integer the maximum value for a rating_type
                        main_domain string primary domain name in SERP
                        relative_url string relative URL in SERP
                        etv float estimated traffic volume
estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain;
calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the returned keyword
learn more about how the metric is calculated in this help center article
                        estimated_paid_traffic_cost float estimated cost of converting organic search traffic into paid
represents the estimated monthly cost of running ads (USD) for the returned keyword;
the metric is calculated as the product of organic etv and paid cpc values and indicates the cost of driving the estimated volume of monthly organic traffic through PPC advertising in Bing Search
learn more about how the metric is calculated in this help center article
                        rank_changes object changes in rankings
contains information about the ranking changes of the SERP element since the previous_updated_time
                            previous_rank_absolute integer previous absolute rank in SERP
indicates previous rank of the element in Bing SERP;
if this element is new, the value will be null
                            is_new boolean element was previously present in SERP
if the value is true, previously collected SERP didn’t contain this element
                            is_up boolean rank of this element went up
if the value is true, position of the element in SERP is higher compared to the previous check
                            is_down boolean rank of this element went down
if the value is true, position of the element in SERP is lower compared to the previous check
                ‘featured_snippet’ element in SERP
                        se_type string search engine type
search engine type specified in a POST request;
for this endpoint, the field equals bing
                        type string type of element = ‘featured_snippet’
                        rank_group integer position within a group of elements with identical type values
positions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group
                        rank_absolute integer absolute rank in SERP
absolute position among all the elements in SERP
                        position string the alignment of the element in SERP
can take the following values:
left, right
                        xpath string the XPath of the element
                        domain string domain in SERP
                        title string title of the result in SERP
                        featured_title string the title of the featured snippets source page
                        description string description of the results element in SERP
                        url string relevant URL
                        table array results table
if there are none, equals null
                           table_header array column names
                           table_content array the content of the table
one line of the table in this element of the array
                    about_this_result object contains information from the ‘About this result’ panel
                       type string type of element = ‘about_this_result_element
                       url string result’s URL
                       source string source of additional information about the result
                       source_info string additional information about the result
description of the website from Wikipedia or another additional context
                       source_url string URL to full information from the source
                       language string the language of the result
                       location string location for which the result is relevant
                       search_terms array matching search terms that appear in the result
                       related_terms array related search terms that appear in the result
                       main_domain string primary domain name in SERP
                       relative_url string relative URL in SERP
                       etv float estimated traffic volume
estimated organic monthly traffic to the domain;
calculated as the product of CTR (click-through-rate) and search volume values of the returned keyword
learn more about how the metric is calculated in this help center article
                       estimated_paid_traffic_cost float estimated cost of converting organic search traffic into paid
represents the estimated monthly cost of running ads (USD) for the returned keyword;
the metric is calculated as the product of organic etv and paid cpc values and indicates the cost of driving the estimated volume of monthly organic traffic through PPC advertising in Bing Search
learn more about how the metric is calculated in this help center article
                        rank_changes object changes in rankings
contains information about the ranking changes of the SERP element since the previous_updated_time
                            previous_rank_absolute integer previous absolute rank in SERP
indicates previous rank of the element in Bing SERP;
if this element is new, the value will be null
                            is_new boolean element was previously present in SERP
if the value is true, previously collected SERP didn’t contain this element
                            is_up boolean rank of this element went up
if the value is true, position of the element in SERP is higher compared to the previous check
                            is_down boolean rank of this element went down
if the value is true, position of the element in SERP is lower compared to the previous check
