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DataForSEO Backlink Summary Database

DataForSEO Backlink Summary Database encompasses millions of domains enriched with backlink data and other related metrics. You will get a comprehensive overview of a domain’s backlink profile, including the number of inbound links, referring domains and referring pages, new & lost backlinks and referring domains, domain rank, backlink spam score, and more.

This database is available in both JSON and CSV formats.

Click here to download a database sample.

The database in JSON contains data structured like in the example below:

  "target": "",
  "rank": 31,
  "backlinks": 5,
  "referring_pages": 5,
  "referring_domains": 2,
  "referring_main_domains": 2,
  "referring_ips": 2,
  "broken_backlinks": 0,
  "referring_links_types": {
    "anchor": 5
  "referring_links_flags": {},
  "referring_links_zones": {
    "com": 4,
    "net": 1
  "referring_links_platform_types": {
    "unknown": 4,
    "message-boards": 1
  "referring_links_semantic_locations": {
    "": 5
  "crawled_pages": 1,
  "internal_links_count": 0,
  "external_links_count": 0,
  "broken_pages": 1,
  "info": {
    "ip_address": null,
    "server": null,
    "cms": null,
    "platform_type": null,
    "is_ip": false,
    "target_spam_score": 0
  "powered_by": "",
  "new_backlinks": 0,
  "lost_backlinks": 0,
  "referring_subnets": 2,
  "new_reffering_domains": 0,
  "lost_reffering_domains": 0,
  "backlinks_spam_score": 47,
  "referring_domains_nofollow": 0

Description of the fields in the database:

Field name Type Description
            target string target domain
            rank integer target rank
learn more about the metric and how it is calculated in this Help Center article
            backlinks integer indicates the number of backlinks
            referring_pages integer indicates the number of pages pointing to the target
            referring_domains integer indicates the number of referring domains
referring domains include subdomains that are counted as separate domains for this metric
            referring_main_domains integer indicates the number of referring main domains
            referring_ips integer number of referring IP addresses
number of IP addresses pointing to this page
            broken_backlinks integer number of broken backlinks
number of broken backlinks pointing to the target
            referring_links_types object types of referring links
indicates the types of the referring links and link count per each type
possible values:
anchor, image, link, meta, canonical, alternate, redirect
            referring_links_flags object link attributes of the referring links
indicates link attributes of the referring links and link count per each attribute
example values:
nofollow, noopener, noreferrer, external, ugc, sponsored
            referring_links_zones object top-level domains of the referring links
contains top level domains and referring link count per each
            referring_links_platform_types object types of referring platforms
indicates referring platform types and and link count per each platform
example values:
cms, blogs, unknown, ecommerce, message-boards
            referring_links_semantic_locations object semantic locations of the referring links
indicates semantic elements in HTML where the referring links are located and link count per each semantic location

you can get the full list of semantic elements here
example values:
article, section, summary, ""

            crawled_pages integer number of crawled pages for the target
            internal_links_count integer number of internal links
calculated as the sum of internal links on the pages of the specified target
            external_links_count integer number of external links on the page
calculated as the sum of external links on the pages of the specified target
            broken_pages integer number of broken pages
number of pages on the target that respond with 4xx or 5xx status codes

note that the number of broken pages includes pages on the target discovered by following external links, but it may also include pages discovered by following the target’s sitemap

            info object information about the target
                ip_address string IP address of the target
                server string server
                cms string content management system
                platform_type array platform type
                is_ip boolean indicates if the target is IP
if true, the target functions as an IP address and does not have a domain name
                target_spam_score integer spam score of the target
average spam score of all pages of the target;
learn more about the metric and how it is calculated in this Help Center article
            powered_by array CMS details
            new_backlinks integer number of new backlinks
number of new backlinks pointing to the target
            lost_backlinks integer number of lost backlinks
number of lost backlinks of the target
            referring_subnets integer number of referring subnetworks
            new_referring_domains integer number of new referring domains
number of new referring domains pointing to the target
            lost_referring_domains integer number of lost referring domains
number of lost referring domains of the target
            backlinks_spam_score integer spam score of the domain’s backlinks
total spam score of all backlinks pointing to the target;
learn more about the metric and how it is calculated in this Help Center article
            referring_domains_nofollow integer number of domains pointing at least one nofollow link to the target
