Setting Live Google My Business Questions and Answers Tasks
This endpoint will provide you with a detailed overview of questions and answers associated with a specific business entity listed on Google My Business. By submitting a request to this endpoint, you can access comprehensive data on the inquiries and responses related to a particular business, including the full text of the questions and answers, as well as metadata such as timestamps, user information.
Your account will be billed for every 20 questions, the maximum number of answers returned for each question is 5.
Instead of ‘login’ and ‘password’ use your credentials from
# Instead of 'login' and 'password' use your credentials from
cred="$(printf ${login}:${password} | base64)"
curl --location --request POST "" \
--header "Authorization: Basic ${cred}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-raw '[
"language_code": "en",
"location_name": "Los Angeles,California,United States",
"keyword": "The Last Bookstore"
// You can download this file from here
$api_url = '';
// Instead of 'login' and 'password' use your credentials from
$client = new RestClient($api_url, null, 'login', 'password');
$post_array[] = array(
"location_name" => "Los Angeles,California,United States",
"language_code" => "en",
"keyword" => mb_convert_encoding("The Last Bookstore", "UTF-8")
try {
// POST /v3/business_data/google/questions_and_answers/live
$result = $client->post('/v3/business_data/google/questions_and_answers/live', $post_array);
// do something with post result
} catch (RestClientException $e) {
echo "\n";
print "HTTP code: {$e->getHttpCode()}\n";
print "Error code: {$e->getCode()}\n";
print "Message: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
print $e->getTraceAsString();
echo "\n";
$client = null;
from client import RestClient
# You can download this file from here
client = RestClient("login", "password")
post_data = dict()
# simple way to set a task
post_data[len(post_data)] = dict(
location_name="Los Angeles,California,United States",
keyword="The Last Bookstore"
# POST /v3/business_data/google/questions_and_answers/live
response ="/v3/business_data/google/questions_and_answers/live", post_data)
# you can find the full list of the response codes here
if response["status_code"] == 20000:
# do something with result
print("error. Code: %d Message: %s" % (response["status_code"], response["status_message"]))
var request = require('request');
var options = {
'method': 'POST',
'url': '',
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Basic c3VwcG9ydEBkYXRhZm9yc2VvLmNvbTpTUnJYVHp2UGtFSjgzdXlz'
body: JSON.stringify([
"language_code": "en",
"location_name": "Los Angeles,California,United States",
"keyword": "The Last Bookstore"
request(options, function (error, response) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace DataForSeoDemos
public static partial class Demos
public static async Task business_data_questions_and_answers_live()
var httpClient = new HttpClient
BaseAddress = new Uri(""),
// Instead of 'login' and 'password' use your credentials from
DefaultRequestHeaders = { Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("login:password"))) }
var postData = new List<object>();
language_code = "en",
location_name = "Los Angeles,California,United States",
keyword = "The Last Bookstore"
// POST /v3/business_data/google/questions_and_answers/live
var taskPostResponse = await httpClient.PostAsync("/v3/business_data/google/questions_and_answers/live", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(postData)));
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(await taskPostResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
// you can find the full list of the response codes here
if (result.status_code == 20000)
// do something with result
Console.WriteLine($"error. Code: {result.status_code} Message: {result.status_message}");
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"version": "0.1.20240422",
"status_code": 20000,
"status_message": "Ok.",
"time": "7.2446 sec.",
"cost": 0.0054,
"tasks_count": 1,
"tasks_error": 0,
"tasks": [
"id": "04251548-1535-0578-0000-fdfb4c354d7d",
"status_code": 20000,
"status_message": "Ok.",
"time": "7.0650 sec.",
"cost": 0.0054,
"result_count": 1,
"path": [
"data": {
"api": "business_data",
"function": "questions_and_answers",
"se": "google",
"language_code": "en",
"location_name": "Los Angeles,California,United States",
"keyword": "The Last Bookstore",
"se_type": "questions_and_answers",
"device": "desktop",
"os": "windows"
"result": [
"keyword": "The Last Bookstore",
"se_domain": "",
"location_code": 1013962,
"language_code": "en",
"check_url": "!4m3!3m2!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"datetime": "2024-04-25 12:49:04 +00:00",
"cid": "9624651140695632181",
"feature_id": "0x0:0x8591a1380838a935",
"item_types": [
"items_without_answers": [
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 0,
"rank_absolute": 0,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUE5CWVVMbzJOaXBJUFVBQVBqd0E|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0NtUE5CWVVMbzJOaXBJUFVBQVBqd0E%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Robert McMullin",
"question_text": "I have about 25 hard bound books with their jackets and it's too heavy for me to transport to your store to see if there is interest in any or all of them. Could I send you a list with information that would allow you to assess your interest?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "2 years ago",
"timestamp": "2022-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": null
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 0,
"rank_absolute": 0,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0FBVkVTVWtGNFRGaW9CZ1JBQWRQa1E|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0FBVkVTVWtGNFRGaW9CZ1JBQWRQa1E%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "sakura yamauchi",
"question_text": "Is there a list of Akutagawa Prize winning books, paperbacks, etc.? Is it possible to order and send by mail?",
"original_question_text": "芥川賞受賞本等、文庫本等の一覧表はありますか? 注文と郵送は可能ですか?",
"time_ago": "2 years ago",
"timestamp": "2022-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": null
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 0,
"rank_absolute": 0,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NzbDNWVElLNVJOaW4tQzlBQXktLWc|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0NzbDNWVElLNVJOaW4tQzlBQXktLWc%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Holly Reade",
"question_text": "Yes I realize that but The last bookstores zip code is the same as the Grave yard where Eliza Lamb is buried! Why is that?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "3 years ago",
"timestamp": "2021-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": null
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 0,
"rank_absolute": 0,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0Nvb0UwRFFFQ2tOaW4tNFJBQXZ6RHc|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0Nvb0UwRFFFQ2tOaW4tNFJBQXZ6RHc%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Holly Reade",
"question_text": "hit enter. Take a look at where the red pinpoint takes you on the map! It points directly to Cemetery where Elisa Lamb is put to rest! Scary huh?!!! also when I Searched for The last Bookstore's mailing address the zip code is completely different",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "3 years ago",
"timestamp": "2021-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": null
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 0,
"rank_absolute": 0,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NzbEtoRFFMTzA1aW5fc1RBQWpMV2c|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0NzbEtoRFFMTzA1aW5fc1RBQWpMV2c%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "jose escamilla",
"question_text": "Can i sell books here?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": null
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 0,
"rank_absolute": 0,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NzbG1XaklNU1hGaW45N2pBQWVRN0E|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0NzbG1XaklNU1hGaW45N2pBQWVRN0E%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Miles Young",
"question_text": "Any books on Bonsai or magazines? I'm a collector",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": null
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 0,
"rank_absolute": 0,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0Nzay1qTllILWhGaW9tZXpBQWhXaWc|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0Nzay1qTllILWhGaW9tZXpBQWhXaWc%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Enrique rodriguez Cepeda",
"question_text": "I would like to know what works do you have of Vladimir Nabokow and also books written about him.\nSincerely,\nE. Rodriguez Cepeda",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": null
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 0,
"rank_absolute": 0,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0Nza1JFZjhPc0xwaW4tY3RBQUJZZmc|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0Nza1JFZjhPc0xwaW4tY3RBQUJZZmc%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Lolette Jaca Rebusa",
"question_text": "Do you sell books in bulk order? \nHow can I contact you directly?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": null
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 0,
"rank_absolute": 0,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0FBVkJMVFVKNVFkaW5fWnVBQTdQbXc|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0FBVkJMVFVKNVFkaW5fWnVBQTdQbXc%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Itzel Luna",
"question_text": "What kind of books will they buy from you?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": null
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 0,
"rank_absolute": 0,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NzbENDM0VCRUpoaW9tMnRBQW5kMUE|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0NzbENDM0VCRUpoaW9tMnRBQW5kMUE%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "R M",
"question_text": "Why is your store closed at 12:18 pm on a Tuesday? There are no signs posted explaining why.",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": null
"items_count": 20,
"items": [
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 1,
"rank_absolute": 1,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUGRGWFlPZzdkaXBKeldBQVVXUUE|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0NtUGRGWFlPZzdkaXBKeldBQVVXUUE%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Patricia LeBlanc",
"question_text": "Is parking available",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": [
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUFZFa2tPbmp0aXBRWkJBQVYyZmc|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Delta Blueprint",
"answer_text": "They don't have an actual parking lot, but there are parking meters on the street and pay-for-parking lots around the corner, about $7 on weekdays, $10 to $15 on weekends. On Sunday mornings until 3 pm the street outside the bookstore is closed off for a farmer's market. Some parts of Spring street are often blocked off for filming.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUFZFa2tPbmp0aXBRWkJBQUNPWFE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Nadine Cho",
"answer_text": "Metered street stalls or flat rate parking lots",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUFZFa2tPbmp0aXBRWkJBQWZzRlE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Antonio Strickland",
"answer_text": "Yes , but it would be best to, take the, Metro bus or Metro train to 5th and Broadway.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUFZFa2tPbmp0aXBRWkJBQUw2cWc|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Edward Davidoff",
"answer_text": "If you plan on just visiting the last bookstore meter street parking but if you are planning on exploring downtown LA then I would recommend parking in one of those all day parking lots with all day flat fees and then walk around and explore a lot of different places in that neighborhood.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUFZFa2tPbmp0aXBRWkJBQXBYUUE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Gumer Zambrano",
"answer_text": "Parking is limited on the streets and the stalls but it is very near a metro station 👍",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 2,
"rank_absolute": 2,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0I0cUFQSFFOMXc5aXBJVkdBQUZwMGc|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0I0cUFQSFFOMXc5aXBJVkdBQUZwMGc%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Charles Kang",
"question_text": "Hi. Do you still trade used books--during pandemic etc?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "3 years ago",
"timestamp": "2021-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": [
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTlZURWdHOGVSaXBReU5BQVdkVXc|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Brett Rademaker",
"answer_text": "They'll buy, sell and trade almost any ephemera from what I've encountered.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "3 years ago",
"timestamp": "2021-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTlZURWdHOGVSaXBReU1BQTVTbGc|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Shehbaz Kaleka",
"answer_text": "Call them, and ask. They might still offer it.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "3 years ago",
"timestamp": "2021-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTlZURWdHOGVSaXBReU5BQU52TlE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Steven Mattor",
"answer_text": "They do still sell used books, I just recently bought some old pulps there.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "3 years ago",
"timestamp": "2021-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 3,
"rank_absolute": 3,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0FBVkI5MGtBTlgxaW4tbkdBQVMwdVE|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0FBVkI5MGtBTlgxaW4tbkdBQVMwdVE%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Joshua F",
"question_text": "Do they buy comic books?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "3 years ago",
"timestamp": "2021-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": [
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTVZWa2tBclpCaXBPMTZBQXNiZ0E|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Ejay Menchavez",
"answer_text": "They have a pretty cool and obscure comic selection too!",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "3 years ago",
"timestamp": "2021-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTVZWa2tBclpCaXBPMTZBQTRaMkE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Brett Rademaker",
"answer_text": "Feel free to give them a call but they usually buy anything.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "3 years ago",
"timestamp": "2021-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 4,
"rank_absolute": 4,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NzbGhGbGtLNVdoaW4tNDRBQVlpUFE|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0NzbGhGbGtLNVdoaW4tNDRBQVlpUFE%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Marlene Lemus",
"question_text": "Is there food and drinks allowed?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": [
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NBYy1FNkFQY09OaW9LdU1BQUFzbUE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Jen C",
"answer_text": "No food and drinks were allowed at the time I visited. \nThey only take larger bags and I can appreciate why.\nI had a reasonable sized handbag and they allowed me to keep it. \nHowever I can only speak for my own experience. \nHope this helps.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NBYy1FNkFQY09OaW9LdU1BQVVjT3c|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Julie Woodmass",
"answer_text": "I doubt it too, they take your bags off you at the door too",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NBYy1FNkFQY09OaW9LdUxBQVdTSmc|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Jessica Brown",
"answer_text": "I highly doubt it. It is a book store.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"profile_image_url": "",
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"profile_name": "Dayka & Olimpo",
"answer_text": "No food or drinks allowed",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "3 years ago",
"timestamp": "2021-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NBYy1FNkFQY09OaW9LdUxBQXBfT1E|",
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"profile_name": "Marco Nathaniel Castillo (MNC100)",
"answer_text": "I'm sure they'll let you if you ask but they might not let you depending",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0Nzay1Ca1lCT2d0aW9sOW5BQUlxOWc|",
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"profile_name": "Keli McKenzie Traylor",
"question_text": "Are there many books on the history of California?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
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"profile_name": "The Last Bookstore",
"answer_text": "Yes, a few shelves' worth.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Chang-Chun Lee",
"answer_text": "I saw a lot of books on history of the US. I do believe CA is also included.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUGlDSE1HYTVSaXBScE1BQVlaNFE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "brady westwater",
"answer_text": "Two sections and the ends of those sections. And many of books in other sections such as the Wild West section upstairs and the LA fiction section down stairs and the Film and TV section and the Arts sections up and downstairs and the memoirs section also have books on California - as do Vault and the 2.99 section. So if you are lookin",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"profile_name": "stephan solar",
"answer_text": "Yes, many and more about everything else",
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"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
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"profile_name": "Gaby Chaparro",
"answer_text": "Yes, you can also definitely ask in the front desk and they would help you find or order them",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTThXcE1OODlSaXBKQmJBQVdOc1E|",
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"profile_name": "Glenn Lindsay",
"question_text": "When do you buy used books? When can I bring books in?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "6 years ago",
"timestamp": "2018-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
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"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Mitchell Stein Sr.",
"answer_text": "Pro tip ; check online eBay Amazon for typical sale prices not asking prices of the books that you wish to sell.\n* and remember they need to make a profit so I wouldn't expect more than 30% of recent sale prices online .",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "6 years ago",
"timestamp": "2018-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTXJpMFlQaWV4aXBRdlFBQURRdGc|",
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"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "La beniciayogin",
"answer_text": "All the time. You can buy them but if you have books in your purse, need to leave them in the from.\nIf you talking about donating? Welcome anytime ✌",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "6 years ago",
"timestamp": "2018-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"rank_absolute": 7,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUGlDSE1HYTVSaXBJa0RBQUVsdWc|",
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"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Sydney Adams",
"question_text": "Do they carry J.R. Ward books?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "6 years ago",
"timestamp": "2018-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
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"profile_name": "Alicia Rhoden",
"answer_text": "Yes",
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"time_ago": "6 years ago",
"timestamp": "2018-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"profile_name": "Phillip Golob",
"answer_text": "This I don't know.",
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"time_ago": "6 years ago",
"timestamp": "2018-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0I0cU9kc2NQaG54bFZBb29BQUozLUE|",
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"profile_image_url": "",
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"profile_name": "Kwkrnbrhwuow Jsjejiwiebrbne",
"question_text": "Does this bookstore take cash?",
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"time_ago": "5 months ago",
"timestamp": "2023-11-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
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"profile_name": "Brandon Britt Smith (Travelin Smitty)",
"answer_text": "Absolutely!",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "3 months ago",
"timestamp": "2024-01-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0I0cVVHYlVOWXhGbFZGVmFBQWFVd2c|",
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"profile_name": "The Last Bookstore",
"answer_text": "Yes",
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"time_ago": "5 months ago",
"timestamp": "2023-11-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0I0cVVHYlVOWXhGbFZCaUhBQWV2M0E|",
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"profile_name": "jasmine xu",
"answer_text": "Yes",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 months ago",
"timestamp": "2023-11-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtT0F4eFVNUDBObFZCYThBQXJ5QlE|",
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"profile_name": "Jerome Allshouse",
"answer_text": "Yes, why wouldn't they.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 months ago",
"timestamp": "2023-11-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0FONGpMek1PTERwbE1uMU5BQUhnNkE|",
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"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Josh",
"question_text": "What makes this \"THE LAST BOOK STORE.\" Huh? \nGet real. Fahrenheit 4,000 + 🔥📚\n(Left, left, left right left) 🖤💔",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "6 months ago",
"timestamp": "2023-10-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
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"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0FONHR0blVEZ1hWbE11Y1BBQWtkYVE|",
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"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Regan Reece",
"answer_text": "In the future, when much of the Earth has been destroyed in a world war, this will be the last remaining bookstore. Psychics have confirmed the truth of this.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "6 months ago",
"timestamp": "2023-10-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Brandon Britt Smith (Travelin Smitty)",
"answer_text": "If you actually visited, they would answer that, and many other of life's questions too! 😉",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "3 months ago",
"timestamp": "2024-01-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"rank_absolute": 10,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTTFDMzRQUU50akZSeDdBQVh4T0E|",
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"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Jim Schwarz",
"question_text": "What are open hours on Labor Day?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "a year ago",
"timestamp": "2023-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
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"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTzVFTDRDMjVkak4zZ0lBQVlaX0E|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Helen Hanson",
"answer_text": "Not really sure 😕. Check with security the next time you are there",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "a year ago",
"timestamp": "2023-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTTF4bTBHQTROak56WnlBQVhwQ3c|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Leon Brown",
"answer_text": "Open Labor Day. Hours are the regular open hours. The only hours that Vary are Christmas and New Years Day. This Is information is directly from an on Shift Employee.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "a year ago",
"timestamp": "2023-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"rank_group": 11,
"rank_absolute": 11,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTUNSWFlKLWpkaXBJTXVBQXlkZ2c|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0NtTUNSWFlKLWpkaXBJTXVBQXlkZ2c%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Christabelle Garcia",
"question_text": "Can I take quick photos? I was planning to stop by for my 18th birthday and take a few photos.",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "2 years ago",
"timestamp": "2022-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
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"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Rebekah Hood",
"answer_text": "i agree with you Isabel! it is beautiful! absolutely wonderful",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "2 years ago",
"timestamp": "2022-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Isabel Mariana Fernandez-Colorado",
"answer_text": "Yes you can!! Its beautifull inside!",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "2 years ago",
"timestamp": "2022-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Jorge Soto",
"answer_text": "Yes absolutely you can. I took a LOT of photos on our visit last week. It has a lot of things and spots for great photos.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "2 years ago",
"timestamp": "2022-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Beth Prather",
"answer_text": "Yes. Great place for pictures",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "2 years ago",
"timestamp": "2022-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Ralph Olivas",
"answer_text": "Yes, The Last Book Store is photo friendly. Enjoy!",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "2 years ago",
"timestamp": "2022-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 12,
"rank_absolute": 12,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NzbDZCT1FQVW9waW9BcXZBQU11WXc|",
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"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Frank Unger",
"question_text": "Hi, \n\nI was wondering if it is allowed to take pictures when I come to your bookstore. \nI am looking forward to hearing from you, thanks!",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
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"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NBY1RKNUVCV0NwaW9POWdBQUtXcFE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Josh Spencer",
"answer_text": "You can take personal photos with a phone or handheld camera without equipment or lighting, but any commercial photography has a fee. Please contact us on the appropriate email on our site for rates.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
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"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NBY1RKNUVCV0NwaW9POWdBQVBDdWc|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Joann Williams (Nai'a)",
"answer_text": "Take all the pictures you want ..😊 People do two things there: Look at or read books AND take pictures!",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NBY1RKNUVCV0NwaW9POWdBQU1vTVE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Shawn Snowdeal",
"answer_text": "Yes you can take pictures.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NBY1RKNUVCV0NwaW9POWdBQWdxSVE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "K Cristal Bonilla",
"answer_text": "Yes you can take all the pictures you like",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtVlZoVXNGS0JOaXBScGVBQXNldkE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Howard Parker Sr.",
"answer_text": "Yes. I took some pictures and I observed a lot of other people taking pictures.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "4 years ago",
"timestamp": "2020-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 13,
"rank_absolute": 13,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0Nza1I1alVPNk1oaW5fQlRBQW9sUUE|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0Nza1I1alVPNk1oaW5fQlRBQW9sUUE%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "katherine ruiz-mellott",
"question_text": "are there kids books?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
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"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NBYzJ3S0FMamcxaW9LdFFBQTFQV3c|",
"profile_image_url": "",
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"profile_name": "Brian Rico",
"answer_text": "Yes, there is a whole section dedicated to it.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NBYzJ3S0FMamcxaW9LdFFBQWhhNnc|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": null,
"profile_name": "The Last Bookstore",
"answer_text": "Yes!",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NBYzJ3S0FMamcxaW9LdFFBQU5teFE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
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"profile_name": "fabiana campagna",
"answer_text": "Yes,",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 14,
"rank_absolute": 14,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0Nza1BRek1JWklsaW4tZDhBQXpCeUE|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0Nza1BRek1JWklsaW4tZDhBQXpCeUE%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "LyricC.",
"question_text": "Do you have self help books?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
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"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTmtCMHdGanNCaXBQUnRBQXpIS2c|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Lyn Schrader",
"answer_text": "I saw plenty of self-help books.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTmtCMHdGanNCaXBQUnRBQWNZWnc|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Catherine A. Montgomery",
"answer_text": "There are plenty of self help books here",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0J6VXNVd29ERDdoaW9MOFVBQUc5MUE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Shashi Mauli Tripathi",
"answer_text": "Yes there are plent of self help books. There are plenty of books for all genres of books.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTmtCMHdGanNCaXBQUnVBQUJpQ0E|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Kari Turner",
"answer_text": "Yes, they have a whole self-help section, very clearly marked.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0J6VXNVd29ERDdoaW9MOFVBQU1ZdXc|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Jaime Marin",
"answer_text": "Yes plenty",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 15,
"rank_absolute": 15,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0Nza3pLWEFOOXBaaW9tLU9BQUpSZ0E|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0Nza3pLWEFOOXBaaW9tLU9BQUpSZ0E%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Laura Santibañez",
"question_text": "Can children can go",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": [
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUGtVVWdCY3NWaXBQN1pBQVFDM1E|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "brady westwater",
"answer_text": "There is a huge area on the first floor for kids of all ages with brand new books, gently used books and classic vintage books.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUGtVVWdCY3NWaXBQN1pBQVgtMXc|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Melinda Rios",
"answer_text": "Yes",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUGtVVWdCY3NWaXBQN1pBQUMwUXc|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Mars Kung",
"answer_text": "Yes but be quiet Lol",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 16,
"rank_absolute": 16,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0FBVkIyWVlCRXFWaW9sVzlBQVZrRGc|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0FBVkIyWVlCRXFWaW9sVzlBQVZrRGc%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "LINDA WOLF",
"question_text": "Do you have a children's section? New? Used?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": [
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUFFUVWdCdkFkaXBOc09BQTU3clE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Catherine A. Montgomery",
"answer_text": "Yes there are children's books, both new and used. If there is a specific title you are looking for, I suggest calling them.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUFFUVWdCdkFkaXBOc05BQWRScWc|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "shamb0lical",
"answer_text": "As Catherine said.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUFFUVWdCdkFkaXBOc09BQTU1WWc|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Junyuan Shi",
"answer_text": "Yes, they have children's section",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUFFUVWdCdkFkaXBOc09BQWJNa0E|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "peter nieves",
"answer_text": "Yes they do.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtUFFUVWdCdkFkaXBOc1FBQVphS0E|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Ebrahman Ebrahman",
"answer_text": "Huge children's section: new and old books.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "5 years ago",
"timestamp": "2019-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 17,
"rank_absolute": 17,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0Nza0ZwelVNQk1kaW5fcDNBQXZUMUE|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0Nza0ZwelVNQk1kaW5fcDNBQXZUMUE%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "E.D. Arenas",
"question_text": "Do you have celebrity book signings soon?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "6 years ago",
"timestamp": "2018-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": [
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTV9Ba2tEaDZaaXBPWkRBQXlxdEE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Madison Rene'",
"answer_text": "They have one on April 25th",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "6 years ago",
"timestamp": "2018-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NBYzRjM0lEdmFoaW9Mb0FBQWREM2c|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "hernan vargas",
"answer_text": "Nope!",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "6 years ago",
"timestamp": "2018-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NBYzRjM0lEdmFoaW9Mb0FBQXZGTUE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Rodney “Starcarter 1” Carter",
"answer_text": "No but i wish ,lol",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "6 years ago",
"timestamp": "2018-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 18,
"rank_absolute": 18,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0FONGNRZ3NBZzFobDlINFpBQWRlNlE|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0FONGNRZ3NBZzFobDlINFpBQWRlNlE%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Yves-Creosote Tanwilder",
"question_text": "Do u have assata shakur’s autobiography or any books from George Jackson in stock?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "a month ago",
"timestamp": "2024-03-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": [
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0I0cWpXejBGeFBSbDlMSGpBQW51VUE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": null,
"profile_name": "The Last Bookstore",
"answer_text": "We usually carry them, but they sell out regularly. As of today, they are not in stock. They might be at another time. Best to come in and check regularly.",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "a month ago",
"timestamp": "2024-03-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0I0cWpXejBGeFBSbDlJUGhBQW5WUEE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Jonah Lopez",
"answer_text": "The best is to call",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "a month ago",
"timestamp": "2024-03-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 19,
"rank_absolute": 19,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0E4blVpMndPMGV4ai1fN05BQUJTbEE|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0E4blVpMndPMGV4ai1fN05BQUJTbEE%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Jake Young",
"question_text": "Is this the bookstore from Southland Tales?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "a year ago",
"timestamp": "2023-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": [
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtT2xVdFFDeFRKa0JsTFlBQU9FMVE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Heavenly Scents R Us",
"answer_text": "No",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "a year ago",
"timestamp": "2023-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_question_item",
"rank_group": 20,
"rank_absolute": 20,
"question_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTjRna1FGaHM1anpHN01BQXlTOVE|",
"url": "!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8591a1380838a935!10e4!18m1!1s8%401%3ACAESGUNWX0NtTjRna1FGaHM1anpHN01BQXlTOVE%7C?hl=en&gl=US&gws_rd=cr&uule=w+CAIQIFISCRPaJ9xdx8KAEfQIRiVv3y_i",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Xena Garcia",
"question_text": "Is there bathrooms here?",
"original_question_text": null,
"time_ago": "a year ago",
"timestamp": "2023-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00",
"items": [
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0FONGZGSHNIRnJobHF1V2hBQXd4dkE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "Brandon Britt Smith (Travelin Smitty)",
"answer_text": "Yes!",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "3 months ago",
"timestamp": "2024-01-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0NtTjRna1FGaHM1anpYM3ZBQWpjUFE|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": null,
"profile_name": "The Last Bookstore",
"answer_text": "Yes",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "a year ago",
"timestamp": "2023-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
"type": "google_business_answer_element",
"answer_id": "8@1:CAESGUNWX0JtOERVbDhDaUVkanpISERBQU9mS0E|",
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_url": "",
"profile_name": "K P",
"answer_text": "Yes",
"original_answer_text": null,
"time_ago": "a year ago",
"timestamp": "2023-04-25 12:49:03 +00:00"
All POST data should be sent in the JSON format (UTF-8 encoding). Task setting is done using the POST method. When setting a task, you should send all task parameters in the task array of the generic POST array. You can send up to 2000 API calls per minute, with each POST call containing no more than 100 tasks. If your POST call contains over 100 tasks, the tasks over this limit will return the 40006 error.
Below you will find a detailed description of the fields you can use for setting a task.
Description of the fields for setting a task:
Field name
keyword required field
the keyword you specify should indicate the name of the local establishment
you can specify up to 700 characters in the keyword filed all %## will be decoded (plus character ‘+’ will be decoded to a space character)
if you need to use the “%” character for your keyword, please specify it as “%25”;
this field can also be used to pass the following parameters: cid – a unique, google-defined id of the business entity; place_id – an identifier of the business entity in Google Maps; spp – a unique identifier of local services featured in the local_pack element of Google SERP
learn more about rules and limitations of keyword and keywords fields in DataForSEO APIs in this Help Center article
full name of search engine location required field if you don’t specifylocation_code or location_coordinate if you use this field, you don’t need to specify location_code or location_coordinate
you can receive the list of available locations with location_name by making a separate request to
example: London,England,United Kingdom
search engine location code required field if you don’t specifylocation_name or location_coordinate if you use this field, you don’t need to specify location_name or location_coordinate
you can receive the list of available locations with location_code by making a separate request to the
example: 2840
GPS coordinates of a location required field if you don’t specifylocation_name or location_code if you use this field, you don’t need to specify location_name or location_code location_coordinate parameter should be specified in the “latitude,longitude,radius” format
the maximum number of decimal digits for “latitude” and “longitude”: 7
the minimum value for “radius”: 199.9 (mm)
the maximum value for “radius”: 199999 (mm)
example: 53.476225,-2.243572,200
full name of search engine language required field if you don’t specifylanguage_code if you use this field, you don’t need to specify language_code
you can receive the list of available languages with language_name by making a separate request to
example: English
search engine language code required field if you don’t specifylanguage_name if you use this field, you don’t need to specify language_name
you can receive the list of available languages with their language_code by making a separate request to example: en
parsing depth
optional field
number of results in SERP
default value: 20
max value: 100 Note: your account will be billed per each SERP containing up to 20 results;
thus, setting a depth above 20 may result in additional charges if the search engine returns more than 20 results;
if the specified depth is higher than the number of results in the response, the difference will be refunded automatically to your account balance
user-defined task identifier
optional field the character limit is 255
you can use this parameter to identify the task and match it with the result
you will find the specified tag value in the data object of the response
As a response of the API server, you will receive JSON-encoded data containing a tasks array with the information specific to the set tasks.
Description of the fields in the results array:
Field name
the current version of the API
general status code
you can find the full list of the response codes here Note: we strongly recommend designing a necessary system for handling related exceptional or error conditions
general informational message
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
execution time, seconds
total tasks cost, USD
the number of tasks in the tasks array
the number of tasks in the tasks array that were returned an error
array of tasks
task identifier unique task identifier in our system in the UUID format
status code of the task
generated by DataForSEO; can be within the following range: 10000-60000
you can find the full list of the response codes here
informational message of the task
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
execution time, seconds
cost of the task, USD
number of elements in the result array
URL path
contains the same parameters that you specified in the POST request
array of results
keyword received in a POST array keyword is returned with decoded %## (plus character ‘+’ will be decoded to a space character)
this field will contain the cid parameter if you specified it in the keyword field when setting a task;
example: cid:2946633002421908862
learn more about the parameter in this help center article
search engine domain as specified in a POST array
location code in a POST array
language code in a POST array
direct URL to search engine results
you can use it to make sure that we provided accurate results
date and time when the result was received
in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00”
example: 2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00
google-defined client id
unique id of a local establishment;
learn more about the identifier in this help center article
unique identifier of the SERP feature
item types
types of search engine results encountered in the items array;
possible item types: google_business_question_item
array of google business question items without answers
type of element = ‘google_business_question_item’
position within a group of elements with identical type values
positions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group
absolute rank among all the elements
ID of the question
URL of the question
URL of the user’s profile image
URL of the user’s profile
displayed name of the user
current text of the question
original text of the question
estimated time when the question was posted
exact time when the question was posted
array of items
items within google_business_question_item
the number of items in the items array
array of google business question items with answers
possible item types: google_business_question_item
type of element = ‘google_business_question_item’
position within a group of elements with identical type values
positions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group
absolute rank among all the elements
ID of the question
URL of the question
URL of the user’s profile image
URL of the user’s profile
displayed name of the user
current text of the question
original text of the question
estimated time when the question was posted
exact time when the question was posted
array of items within google_business_question_item
contains answers to the google business questions;
possible item types google_business_answer_element
type of the element = ‘google_business_answer_element’