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Get Google My Business Info Results by id


My Business Info API will provide you with public details of any business entity with Google My Business profile, including its service description, address, contact phone, domain, rating, and work hours.

Instead of ‘login’ and ‘password’ use your credentials from

// You can download this file from here
$api_url = '';
// Instead of 'login' and 'password' use your credentials from
$client = new RestClient($api_url, null, 'login', 'password');

try {
	$result = array();
	// #1 - using this method you can get a list of completed tasks
	// GET /v3/business_data/google/my_business_info/tasks_ready
	$tasks_ready = $client->get('/v3/business_data/google/my_business_info/tasks_ready');
	// you can find the full list of the response codes here
	if (isset($tasks_ready['status_code']) AND $tasks_ready['status_code'] === 20000) {
		foreach ($tasks_ready['tasks'] as $task) {
			if (isset($task['result'])) {
				foreach ($task['result'] as $task_ready) {
					// #2 - using this method you can get results of each completed task
					// GET /v3/business_data/google/my_business_info/task_get/$id
					if (isset($task_ready['endpoint'])) {
						$result[] = $client->get($task_ready['endpoint']);
					// #3 - another way to get the task results by id
					// GET /v3/business_data/google/my_business_info/task_get/$id
					if (isset($task_ready['id'])) {
						$result[] = $client->get('/v3/business_data/google/my_business_info/task_get/' . $task_ready['id']);
	// do something with result
} catch (RestClientException $e) {
	echo "\n";
	print "HTTP code: {$e->getHttpCode()}\n";
	print "Error code: {$e->getCode()}\n";
	print "Message: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
	print  $e->getTraceAsString();
	echo "\n";
$client = null;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "version": "0.1.20230705",
  "status_code": 20000,
  "status_message": "Ok.",
  "time": "0.0776 sec.",
  "cost": 0,
  "tasks_count": 1,
  "tasks_error": 0,
  "tasks": [
      "id": "08021606-1535-0242-0000-8e2430b475ff",
      "status_code": 20000,
      "status_message": "Ok.",
      "time": "0.0212 sec.",
      "cost": 0,
      "result_count": 1,
      "path": [
      "data": {
        "se_type": "business_info",
        "se": "google",
        "api": "business_data",
        "function": "my_business_info",
        "language_code": "en",
        "location_name": "Toronto,Ontario,Canada",
        "keyword": "cid:7116580480031320180",
        "device": "desktop",
        "os": "windows"
      "result": [
          "keyword": "cid:7116580480031320180",
          "se_domain": "",
          "location_code": 1002451,
          "language_code": "en",
          "check_url": "",
          "datetime": "2023-08-02 13:06:40 +00:00",
          "item_types": [
          "items_count": 1,
          "items": [
              "type": "google_business_info",
              "rank_group": 1,
              "rank_absolute": 1,
              "position": "left",
              "title": "100 Sheppard Ave E Suite 760",
              "description": null,
              "category": null,
              "category_ids": null,
              "additional_categories": null,
              "cid": "7116580480031320180",
              "feature_id": "0x882b2d67adbfffff:0x62c32c3dc7bee874",
              "address": "100 Sheppard Ave E, North York, ON M2N 6N5",
              "address_info": {
                "borough": "North York",
                "address": "100 Sheppard Ave E",
                "city": "North York",
                "zip": "M2N 6N5",
                "region": "Ontario",
                "country_code": "CA"
              "place_id": "ChIJ__-_rWctK4gRdOi-xz0sw2I",
              "phone": null,
              "url": null,
              "contact_url": null,
              "contributor_url": null,
              "domain": null,
              "logo": null,
              "main_image": null,
              "total_photos": null,
              "snippet": "100 Sheppard Ave E, North York, ON M2N 6N5",
              "latitude": 43.7632587,
              "longitude": -79.4054287,
              "is_claimed": true,
              "attributes": null,
              "place_topics": null,
              "rating": null,
              "rating_distribution": null,
              "people_also_search": null,
              "work_time": {
                "work_hours": {
                  "timetable": null,
                  "current_status": "close"
              "popular_times": null,
              "local_business_links": null,
              "is_directory_item": false,
              "directory": {
                "title": "At this place",
                "items": [
                    "type": "maps_search",
                    "rank_group": 1,
                    "rank_absolute": 1,
                    "domain": null,
                    "title": "CBV Collection Services Ltd.",
                    "url": null,
                    "rating": {
                      "rating_type": "Max5",
                      "value": 1.2,
                      "votes_count": null,
                      "rating_max": null
                    "rating_distribution": null,
                    "snippet": null,
                    "address": "100 Sheppard Ave E #1200, North York, ON",
                    "address_info": {
                      "borough": null,
                      "address": null,
                      "city": null,
                      "zip": null,
                      "region": null,
                      "country_code": null
                    "place_id": null,
                    "phone": null,
                    "main_image": "",
                    "total_photos": null,
                    "category": "Debt collecting",
                    "additional_categories": null,
                    "category_ids": null,
                    "work_hours": {
                      "work_hours": {
                        "timetable": {
                          "sunday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 5,
                                "minute": 30
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 23,
                                "minute": 30
                          "monday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 5,
                                "minute": 30
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 23,
                                "minute": 30
                          "tuesday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 5,
                                "minute": 30
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 23,
                                "minute": 30
                          "wednesday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 5,
                                "minute": 30
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 23,
                                "minute": 30
                          "thursday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 5,
                                "minute": 30
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 23,
                                "minute": 30
                          "friday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 5,
                                "minute": 30
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 23,
                                "minute": 30
                          "saturday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 5,
                                "minute": 30
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 23,
                                "minute": 30
                        "current_status": "open"
                    "feature_id": "0x882b2d67af2a8289:0x2c6f7eefcc1adf96",
                    "cid": "3201917428470308758",
                    "latitude": 43.7632353,
                    "longitude": -79.4057069,
                    "is_claimed": true,
                    "local_justifications": null,
                    "is_directory_item": true,
                    "price_level": null,
                    "hotel_rating": null
                    "type": "maps_search",
                    "rank_group": 2,
                    "rank_absolute": 2,
                    "domain": null,
                    "title": "Dentistry On Sheppard - Dr. Mark Cloth",
                    "url": null,
                    "rating": {
                      "rating_type": "Max5",
                      "value": 4.8,
                      "votes_count": null,
                      "rating_max": null
                    "rating_distribution": null,
                    "snippet": null,
                    "address": "100 Sheppard Ave E #130, North York, ON M2N 6N5",
                    "address_info": {
                      "borough": null,
                      "address": null,
                      "city": null,
                      "zip": null,
                      "region": null,
                      "country_code": null
                    "place_id": null,
                    "phone": null,
                    "main_image": "",
                    "total_photos": null,
                    "category": "Dental clinic",
                    "additional_categories": null,
                    "category_ids": null,
                    "work_hours": {
                      "work_hours": {
                        "timetable": {
                          "sunday": null,
                          "monday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 8,
                                "minute": 30
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 18,
                                "minute": 0
                          "tuesday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 8,
                                "minute": 30
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 19,
                                "minute": 0
                          "wednesday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 8,
                                "minute": 0
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 17,
                                "minute": 0
                          "thursday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 8,
                                "minute": 0
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 14,
                                "minute": 0
                          "friday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 8,
                                "minute": 0
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 14,
                                "minute": 0
                          "saturday": null
                        "current_status": "open"
                    "feature_id": "0x882b2d67a95786cd:0x881c23fadba0dea5",
                    "cid": "9807753648839646885",
                    "latitude": 43.7630624,
                    "longitude": -79.4055891,
                    "is_claimed": true,
                    "local_justifications": null,
                    "is_directory_item": true,
                    "price_level": null,
                    "hotel_rating": null
                    "type": "maps_search",
                    "rank_group": 3,
                    "rank_absolute": 3,
                    "domain": null,
                    "title": "Horlick Levitt Di Lella LLP",
                    "url": null,
                    "rating": {
                      "rating_type": "Max5",
                      "value": 3.7,
                      "votes_count": null,
                      "rating_max": null
                    "rating_distribution": null,
                    "snippet": null,
                    "address": "100 Sheppard Ave E #870, North York, ON M2N 6N5",
                    "address_info": {
                      "borough": null,
                      "address": null,
                      "city": null,
                      "zip": null,
                      "region": null,
                      "country_code": null
                    "place_id": null,
                    "phone": null,
                    "main_image": "",
                    "total_photos": null,
                    "category": "Law firm",
                    "additional_categories": null,
                    "category_ids": null,
                    "work_hours": {
                      "work_hours": {
                        "timetable": {
                          "sunday": null,
                          "monday": [
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                                "hour": 9,
                                "minute": 0
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 17,
                                "minute": 0
                          "tuesday": [
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                                "minute": 0
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 17,
                                "minute": 0
                          "wednesday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 9,
                                "minute": 0
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 17,
                                "minute": 0
                          "thursday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 9,
                                "minute": 0
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 17,
                                "minute": 0
                          "friday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 9,
                                "minute": 0
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 17,
                                "minute": 0
                          "saturday": null
                        "current_status": "open"
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                    "cid": "4546313461687696596",
                    "latitude": 43.7632164,
                    "longitude": -79.4054761,
                    "is_claimed": true,
                    "local_justifications": null,
                    "is_directory_item": true,
                    "price_level": null,
                    "hotel_rating": null
                    "type": "maps_search",
                    "rank_group": 4,
                    "rank_absolute": 4,
                    "domain": null,
                    "title": "North York Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Centre",
                    "url": null,
                    "rating": {
                      "rating_type": "Max5",
                      "value": 4.8,
                      "votes_count": null,
                      "rating_max": null
                    "rating_distribution": null,
                    "snippet": null,
                    "address": "100 Sheppard Ave E #885, North York, ON M2N 6N5",
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                      "borough": null,
                      "address": null,
                      "city": null,
                      "zip": null,
                      "region": null,
                      "country_code": null
                    "place_id": null,
                    "phone": null,
                    "main_image": "",
                    "total_photos": null,
                    "category": "Oral and maxillofacial surgeon",
                    "additional_categories": null,
                    "category_ids": null,
                    "work_hours": {
                      "work_hours": {
                        "timetable": {
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                                "hour": 8,
                                "minute": 30
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 17,
                                "minute": 0
                          "tuesday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 8,
                                "minute": 30
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 17,
                                "minute": 0
                          "wednesday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 8,
                                "minute": 30
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 17,
                                "minute": 0
                          "thursday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 8,
                                "minute": 30
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 17,
                                "minute": 0
                          "friday": [
                              "open": {
                                "hour": 8,
                                "minute": 30
                              "close": {
                                "hour": 17,
                                "minute": 0
                          "saturday": null
                        "current_status": "open"
                    "feature_id": "0x882b2d67af2a8289:0xf884c3265171778c",
                    "cid": "17907652587674498956",
                    "latitude": 43.7632587,
                    "longitude": -79.4054287,
                    "is_claimed": true,
                    "local_justifications": null,
                    "is_directory_item": true,
                    "price_level": null,
                    "hotel_rating": null
              "price_level": "expensive",
              "hotel_rating": null

Description of the fields for sending a request:

Field name Type Description
id string task identifier
unique task identifier in our system in the UUID format
you will be able to use it within 30 days to request the results of the task at any time

‌‌As a response of the API server, you will receive JSON-encoded data containing a tasks array with the information specific to the set tasks.

You can also get all available SERP features by making a request to the following Sandbox URL:
The response will include all available items in the Google My Business Info endpoint with the fields containing dummy data.
You won’t be charged for using Sandbox endpoints.

Description of the fields in the results array:

Field name Type Description
version string the current version of the API
status_code integer general status code
you can find the full list of the response codes here
Note: we strongly recommend designing a necessary system for handling related exceptional or error conditions
status_message string general informational message
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
time string execution time, seconds
cost float total tasks cost, USD
tasks_count integer the number of tasks in the tasks array
tasks_error integer the number of tasks in the tasks array that were returned an error
tasks array array of tasks
        id string task identifier
unique task identifier in our system in the UUID format
        status_code integer status code of the task
generated by DataForSEO; can be within the following range: 10000-60000
you can find the full list of the response codes here
        status_message string informational message of the task
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
        time string execution time, seconds
        cost float cost of the task, USD
        result_count integer number of elements in the result array
        path array URL path
        data object contains the same parameters that you specified in the POST request
        result array array of results
            keyword string keyword received in a POST array
keyword is returned with decoded %## (plus character ‘+’ will be decoded to a space character)
this field will contain the cid parameter if you specified it in the keyword field when setting a task;
learn more about the parameter in this help center article
            se_domain string search engine domain as specified in a POST array
            location_code integer location code in a POST array
            language_code string language code in a POST array
            check_url string direct URL to search engine results
you can use it to make sure that we provided accurate results
            datetime string date and time when the result was received
in the UTC format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00”
2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00
            item_types array item types
types of search engine results encountered in the items array;
possible item types: google_business_info
            items_count integer item types
the number of items in the items array
            items array encountered item types
types of search engine results encountered in the items array;
possible item types: google_business_info
                type string type of element = ‘google_business_info’
                rank_group integer position within a group of elements with identical type values
positions of elements with different type values are omitted from rank_group
                rank_absolute integer absolute rank among all the elements
                position string the alignment in SERP
                title string title of the element in SERP
the name of the business entity for which the results are collected
                description string description of the element in SERP
the description of the business entity for which the results are collected
                category string business category
Google My Business general category that best describes the services provided by the business entity
                category_ids array global category IDs
universal category IDs that do not change based on the selected country
                additional_categories array additional business categories
additional Google My Business categories that describe the services provided by the business entity in more detail
                cid string google-defined client id
unique id of a local establishment;
can be used with Google Reviews API to get a full list of reviews
learn more about the identifier in this help center article
                feature_id string the unique identifier of the element in SERP
learn more about the identifier in this help center article
                address string address of the business entity
                address_info object object containing address components of the business entity
                    borough string administrative unit or district the business entity location belongs to
                    address string street address of the business entity
                    city string name of the city where the business entity is located
                    zip string ZIP code of the business entity
                    region string DMA region of the business entity location
                    country_code string ISO country code of the business entity location
                place_id string unique place identifier
place id of the local establishment featured in the element
learn more about the identifier in this help center article
                phone string phone number of the business entity
                url string absolute url of the business entity
                contact_url string URL of the preferred contact page
                contributor_url string URL of the user’s or entity’s Local Guides profile, if available
                domain string domain of the business entity
                logo string URL of the logo featured in Google My Business profile
                main_image string URL of the main image featured in Google My Business profile
                total_photos integer total count of images featured in Google My Business profile
                snippet string additional information on the business entity
                latitude float latitude coordinate of the local establishments in google maps
"latitude": 51.584091
                longitude float longitude coordinate of the local establishment in google maps
"longitude": -0.31365919999999997
                is_claimed boolean shows whether the entity is verified by its owner on Google Maps
                attributes object service details in a form of user-reviewed checks;
service details of a business entity displayed in a form of checks and based on user feedback and business category
                    available_attributes object available attributes
indicates attributes a business entity can offer
                    unavailable_attributes object unavailable attributes
indicates attributes a business entity cannot offer
                place_topics object keywords mentioned in customer reviews
contains most popular keywords related to products/services mentioned in customer reviews of a business entity and the number of reviews mentioning each keyword
"place_topics": {
"egg roll": 48,
"birthday": 33
                rating object the element’s rating
the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP
                    rating_type string the type of rating
here you can find the following elements: Max5, Percents, CustomMax
                    value integer the value of the rating
                    votes_count integer the amount of feedback
                    rating_max integer the maximum value for a rating_type
                rating_distribution object the distribution of ratings of the business entity
the object displays the number of 1-star to 5-star ratings, as reviewed by users
                    1 integer the number of 1-star ratings
                    2 integer the number of 2-star ratings
                    3 integer the number of 3-star ratings
                    4 integer the number of 4-star ratings
                    5 integer the number of 5-star ratings
                people_also_search array related business entities
                    cid string google-defined client id
unique id of a local establishment
learn more about the identifier in this help center article
                    feature_id string the unique identifier of the element in SERP
learn more about the identifier in this help center article
                    title string title of the element in SERP
the name of the business entity for which the results are collected
                    rating object the element’s rating
the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP
                        rating_type string the type of rating
here you can find the following elements: Max5, Percents, CustomMax
                        value integer the value of the rating
                        votes_count integer the amount of feedback
                        rating_max integer the maximum value for a rating_type
                work_time object work time details
information related to operational hours of the business entity
                    work_hours object open hours
information about work hours of the local establishment
                        timetable object work hours timetable
                            sunday array work hours on Sundays
                                open object opening time
                                    hour integer hours in the 24-hour format
                                    minute integer minutes
                                close object closing time
                                    hour integer hours in the 24-hour format
                                    minute integer minutes
                            monday array work hours on Mondays
                                open object opening time
                                    hour integer hours in the 24-hour format
                                    minute integer minutes
                                close object closing time
                                    hour integer hours in the 24-hour format
                                    minute integer minutes
                            tuesday array work hours on Tuesdays
                                open object opening time
                                    hour integer hours in the 24-hour format
                                    minute integer minutes
                                close object closing time
                                    hour integer hours in the 24-hour format
                                    minute integer minutes
                            wednesday array work hours on Wednesdays
                                open object opening time
                                    hour integer hours in the 24-hour format
                                    minute integer minutes
                                close object closing time
                                    hour integer hours in the 24-hour format
                                    minute integer minutes
                            thursday array work hours on Thursdays
                                open object opening time
                                    hour integer hours in the 24-hour format
                                    minute integer minutes
                                close object closing time
                                    hour integer hours in the 24-hour format
                                    minute integer minutes
                            friday array work hours on Fridays
                                open object opening time
                                    hour integer hours in the 24-hour format
                                    minute integer minutes
                                close object closing time
                                    hour integer hours in the 24-hour format
                                    minute integer minutes
                            saturday array work hours on Saturday
                                open object opening time
                                    hour integer hours in the 24-hour format
                                    minute integer minutes
                                close object closing time
                                    hour integer hours in the 24-hour format
                                    minute integer minutes
                        current_status string current status of the establishment
possible values: opened, closed, temporarily_closed, closed_forever
                popular_times object popular times
information related to busy hours of the business entity
                    popular_times_by_days object popular hours
information about busy hours of the local establishment on each day of the week
                        sunday array busy hours on sunday
can take values of the corresponding days of the week
                            time object busy hours
                                hour integer hours in a 24-hour format
                                minute integer minutes
                            popular_index integer popularity index
relative time-bound popularity index measured from 0 to 100;
higher value corresponds to a busier time of a day
                local_business_links array available interactions with the business
list of options to interact with the business directly from search results
                    type string type of element = ‘reservation’
                    title string title of the element
domain of the reservation software
                    url string URL to make a reservation
                    type string type of element = ‘order’
                    delivery_services array lists available delivery services
                        type string type of element = ‘delivery_services_element’
                        title string title of the element
domain of the online food ordering system
                        url string URL to place an order
                    type string type of element = ‘menu’
                    title string title of the element
domain of the online menu system
                    url string URL to view the menu
                is_directory_item boolean business establishment is a part of the directory
indicates whether the business establishment is a part of the directory;
if true, the item is a part of the larger directory of businesses with the same address (e.g., a mall or a business centre);
note: if the business establishment is a parent item in the directory, the value will be null
                directory array items of the directory
includes information about businesses that are located within the target business establishment and have the same address
                    title string directory title
can take the following values: At this place, Directory
                    items array array of directory items
                        type string type of element = ‘maps_search’
                        rank_group integer position within a group of elements with identical type values
positions of elements with different type values are omitted from the rank_group
                        rank_absolute integer absolute rank among all the elements
                        domain string domain of the business entity
                        title string title of the element in SERP
the name of the business entity
                        url string absolute url of the business entity
                        rating object the element’s rating
the popularity rate based on reviews and displayed in SERP
                            rating_type string the type of rating
here you can find the following elements: Max5, Percents, CustomMax
                            value integer the value of the rating
                            votes_count integer the amount of feedback
                            rating_max integer the maximum value for a rating_type
                        rating_distribution object the distribution of ratings of the business entity
the object displays the number of 1-star to 5-star ratings, as reviewed by users
                            1 integer the number of 1-star ratings
                            2 integer the number of 2-star ratings
                            3 integer the number of 3-star ratings
                            4 integer the number of 4-star ratings
                            5 integer the number of 5-star ratings
                        snippet string additional information about the business entity
                        address string address of the business entity
                        address_info object object containing address components of the business entity
                            borough string administrative unit or district the business entity location belongs to
                            address string street address of the business entity
                            city string name of the city where the business entity is located
                            zip string ZIP code of the business entity
                            region string DMA region of the business entity location
                            country_code string ISO country code of the business entity location
                        place_id string unique place identifier
place id of the local establishment featured in the element
learn more about the identifier in this help center article
                        phone string phone number of the business entity
                        main_image string URL of the main image featured in Google My Business profile
                        total_photos integer total count of images featured in Google My Business profile
                        category string business category
Google My Business general category that best describes the services provided by the business entity
                        category_ids array global category IDs
universal category IDs that do not change based on the selected country
                        work_hours object work hours
information about work hours of the local establishment
                        feature_id string the unique identifier of the element in SERP
learn more about the identifier in this help center article
                        cid string google-defined client id
unique id of a local establishment;
can be used with Google Reviews API to get a full list of reviews
learn more about the identifier in this help center article
                        latitude float latitude coordinate of the local establishments in google maps
"latitude": 51.584091
                        longitude float longitude coordinate of the local establishment in google maps
"longitude": -0.31365919999999997
                        is_claimed boolean shows whether the entity is verified by its owner on Google Maps
                        local_justifications array Google local justifications
snippets of text that “justify” why the business is showing up for search query
                        is_directory_item boolean business establishment is a part of the directory
indicates whether the business establishment is a part of the directory;
if true, the item is a part of the larger directory of businesses with the same address (e.g., a mall or a business centre);
note: if the business establishment is a parent item in the directory, the value will be null
                        price_level string property price level
can take values: inexpensive, moderate, expensive, very_expensive
if there is no price level information, the value will be null
                        hotel_rating integer hotel class rating
class ratings range between 1-5 stars, learn more
if there is no hotel class rating information, the value will be null
                price_level string property price level
can take values: inexpensive, moderate, expensive, very_expensive
if there is no price level information, the value will be null
                hotel_rating integer hotel class rating
class ratings range between 1-5 stars, learn more
if there is no hotel class rating information, the value will be null
