cURL php NodeJS Python cSharp

Filters available for DataForSEO Backlinks API

Backlinks API features plenty of parameters that support custom filtration. By applying filters to your POST requests, you will be able to effortlessly extract data that matches your requirements. Note that we do not charge any fees for using data filtering or sorting rules.
Here you will find all the necessary information about filters that can be used with DataForSEO Backlinks API endpoints.

Note that filters are associated with a certain object in the result array, and thus should be specified accordingly. You can learn more about how to use filters in this help center article.

The list of available filtration parameters:

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            "referring_links_attributes.pingback": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.preconnect": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.prefetch": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.preload": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.prerender": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.prev": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.privacy-policy": "num",
            "": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.stylesheet": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.tag": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.terms-of-service": "num",
            "referring_links_platform_types.unknown": "num",
            "referring_links_platform_types.cms": "num",
            "referring_links_platform_types.blogs": "num",
            "referring_links_platform_types.ecommerce": "num",
            "referring_links_platform_types.message_boards": "num",
            "": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.article": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.aside": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.details": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.figcaption": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.figure": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.footer": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.header": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.main": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.mark": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.nav": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.section": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.summary": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.time": "num",
            "referring_domains": "num",
            "referring_domains_nofollow": "num",
            "referring_main_domains": "num",
            "referring_main_domains_nofollow": "num",
            "broken_pages": "num",
            "broken_backlinks": "num",
            "referring_ips": "num",
            "referring_subnets": "num"
          "domain_pages_summary": {
            "url": "str",
            "first_seen": "time",
            "lost_date": "time",
            "rank": "num",
            "backlinks": "num",
            "backlinks_spam_score": "num",
            "referring_pages": "num",
            "referring_pages_nofollow": "num",
            "referring_links_tld.$tld": "num",
            "referring_links_types.anchor": "num",
            "referring_links_types.alternate": "num",
            "referring_links_types.canonical": "num",
            "referring_links_types.redirect": "num",
            "referring_links_types.image": "num",
            "": "num",
            "referring_links_types.meta": "num",
            "referring_links_types.rss": "num",
            "referring_links_types.form": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.alternate": "num",
            "": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.bookmark": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.canonical": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.dns-prefetch": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.external": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.expect": "num",
            "": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.icon": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.license": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.manifest": "num",
            "": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.modulepreload": "num",
            "": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.nofollow": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.noopener": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.noreferrer": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.opener": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.pingback": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.preconnect": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.prefetch": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.preload": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.prerender": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.prev": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.privacy-policy": "num",
            "": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.stylesheet": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.tag": "num",
            "referring_links_attributes.terms-of-service": "num",
            "referring_links_platform_types.unknown": "num",
            "referring_links_platform_types.cms": "num",
            "referring_links_platform_types.blogs": "num",
            "referring_links_platform_types.ecommerce": "num",
            "referring_links_platform_types.message_boards": "num",
            "": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.$empty": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.article": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.aside": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.details": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.figcaption": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.figure": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.footer": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.header": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.main": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.mark": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.nav": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.section": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.summary": "num",
            "referring_links_semantic_locations.time": "num",
            "referring_domains": "num",
            "referring_domains_nofollow": "num",
            "referring_main_domains": "num",
            "referring_main_domains_nofollow": "num",
            "broken_pages": "num",
            "broken_backlinks": "num",
            "referring_ips": "num",
            "referring_subnets": "num"
          "competitors": {
            "target": "str",
            "intersections": "num",
            "rank": "num"

You will receive the full list of filters by calling this API. You can also download the full list of possible filters by this link.

‌‌As a response of the API server, you will receive JSON-encoded data containing a tasks array with the information specific to the set tasks.

Field name Type Description
version string the current version of the API
status_code integer general status code
you can find the full list of the response codes here
status_message string general informational message
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
time string execution time, seconds
cost float total tasks cost, USD
tasks_count integer the number of tasks in the tasks array
tasks_error integer the number of tasks in the tasks array returned with an error
tasks array array of tasks
        id string task identifier
unique task identifier in our system in the UUID format
        status_code integer status code of the task
generated by DataForSEO; can be within the following range: 10000-60000
you can find the full list of the response codes here
        status_message string informational message of the task
you can find the full list of general informational messages here
        time string execution time, seconds
        cost float cost of the task, USD
        result_count integer number of elements in the result array
        path array URL path
        data object contains the parameters passed in the URL of the GET request
        result array array of results
contains the full list of available parameters that can be used for data filtration
the parameters are grouped by the endpoint they can be used with

Below you will find a detailed description of filters available in DataForSEO Backlinks API endpoints. You can specify up to 8 filters by using the and, or logical operators between the conditions.

Note: in Domain Intersection and Page Intersection endpoints the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
for example, if you specify the pages in the POST request as follows:

the specified pages will be assigned with sequence numbers; e.g. the filter by the “” page will be assigned a “2” and will look as follows:
"filters": ["2.domain_from","=",""]

Note #2: in Backlinks Anchors, Domain Pages and Domain Intersection endpoints you may come across empty-titled fields in the referring_links_semantic_locations array, which, however, are also available in filters. These empty fields are denoted as $empty and have the num type.

Note #3: in the following endpoints, you can filter the results by any top-level domain (TLD) from the referring_links_tld object of the response, but the structure of the filtered field is different:

• in Backlinks Anchors, Referring Domains, Referring Networks, and Domain Pages Summary endpoints, use referring_links_tld.$tld;
• in the Domain Pages endpoint, use page_summary.referring_links_tld.$tld;
• in the Domain Intersection endpoint, use $key.referring_links_tld.$tld.

In all cases, replace the $tld variable with the necessary TLD returned in the referring_links_tld object of the endpoint’s response. Example filter:
"filters": ["",">",0]

unlike other fields, referring_links_tld.$tld is only available in filters and cannot be used in the order_by parameter for sorting the results.

Description of the available filters:

Field name Type Description
filters array array of results filtering parameters
filters have the following structure:
you can add several filters at once (8 filters maximum)
if you add more than one filter, you must set a logical operator and, or between the conditions
[["domain_from","=", ""],"and",[["acnhor","like","%seo%"],"or",["texr_pre","like","%seo%"]]]
        filtered_field str fields that support filtration
you can find all available filtered_field values here

Note: fields with an $empty mark are empty, but their values can still be filtered;
in the fields containing $key, this variable denotes the sequence number of the target indicated in the targets array of the POST request

        filter_operator str operator in the filter
available filter operators:
• if bool: =, <>
• if num: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
• if str: match, not_match, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, in, not_in, =, <>, regex, not_regex
• if array.str: has, has_not
• if array.num: has, has_not
• if time: <, >time should be specified in the format: “yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss +00:00”
2021-01-29 15:02:37 +00:00

if you specify in or not_in operator, the $filter_value should be specified as an array

regex and not_regex operators can be specified with string values using the RE2 regex syntax;
Note: the maximum limit for the number of characters you can specify in regex and not_regex is 1000;

like and not_like operators require adding % symbol to get accurate results;
["anchor", "like", "%seo%"] return backlinks items that contain “seo” in the anchor field
["texr_pre", "not_like", "%seo%"] do not return backlinks items that contain “seo” in the text_pre field

        filter_value filtering value
values specified in the filter_value should match the format of the specified filtered_field
filters available for the backlinks endpoint:
domain_from str domain referring to the target domain or webpage
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match
"filters": [["domain_from","like","forbes.%"],"and",["domain_from","<>",""]]
url_from str URL of the page where the backlink is found
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match
"filters": [["domain_from","=",""],"and",["url_from","like","%/sites/%"]]
url_from_https bool indicates whether the referring URL is secured with HTTPS
the following operators are supported: =, <>
"filters": ["url_from_https","=",true]
domain_to str domain the backlink is pointing to
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match
"filters": [["domain_to","like","forbes.%"],"and",["domain_to","not_like",""]]
url_to str URL of the page the backlink is pointing to
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match
"filters": [["domain_to","=",""],"and",["url_to","like","%/stories/collection%"]]
url_to_https bool indicates if the URL the backlink is pointing to is secured with HTTPS
the following operators are supported: =, <>
"filters": ["url_to_https","=",false]
tld_from str top-level domain of the referring URL
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match
"filters": [["tld_from","=",".gov"],"or",["tld_from","=",".edu"]]
is_new bool indicates whether the backlink is new
the following operators are supported: =, <>
"filters": ["is_new","=",true]
is_lost bool indicates whether the backlink was removed
the following operators are supported: =, <>
"filters": ["is_lost","=",true]
backlink_spam_score num spam score of the backlink
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": [["backlink_spam_score","<", "10"]],"and",["backlink_spam_score",">","50"]]
rank num backlink rank
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": [["rank","<", "10"]],"and",["rank",">","1"]]
page_from_rank num page rank of the referring page
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": [["page_from_rank","<", "10"]],"and",["page_from_rank",">","1"]]
domain_from_rank num domain rank of the referring domain
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": [["domain_from_rank","<", "10"]],"and",["domain_from_rank",">","1"]]
domain_from_platform_type array.str platform types of the referring domain
the following operators are supported: has
"filters": ["domain_from_platform_type","has","blogs"]
domain_from_is_ip bool domain rank of the referring domain
the following operators are supported: =, <>
"filters": ["domain_from_is_ip","=", false]
domain_from_ip str IP address of the referring domain
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match
"filters": [["domain_from_ip","=",""],"or",["domain_from_ip","=",""]]
page_from_external_links num number of external links found on the referring page
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": [["page_from_external_links","<", "10"]],"and",["page_from_external_links",">","1"]]
page_from_internal_links num number of internal links found on the referring page
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": [["page_from_internal_links","<", "10"]],"and",["page_from_internal_links",">","1"]]
page_from_size num size of the referring page, in bytes
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": ["page_from_page_from_size","<","63357"]
page_from_encoding str character encoding of the referring page
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match
"filters": ["page_from_encoding","=","utf-8"]
page_from_language str language of the referring page
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match
"filters": ["page_from_language","=","en"]
page_from_title str language of the referring page
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match
"filters": ["page_from_title","not_like","%seo%"]
page_from_status_code num HTTP status code returned by the referring page
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": [["page_from_status_code","≥", "200"]],"and",["page_from_external_links","<","300"]]
first_seen time date and time when our crawler found the backlink for the first time
in the ISO 8601 format
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": ["first_seen",">","2021-01-29 01:24:54 +00:00"]
prev_seen time previous to the most recent date when our crawler visited the backlink
in the ISO 8601 format
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": ["prev_seen",">","2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00"]
last_seen time most recent date when our crawler visited the backlink
in the ISO 8601 format
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": ["last_seen",">","2020-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00"]
item_type str link type
possible values:
anchor, image, meta, canonical, alternate, redirect
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match
"filters": ["item_type","<>","redirect"]
dofollow bool indicates whether the backlink is dofollow
the following operators are supported: =, <>
"filters": ["dofollow","=",true]
original bool indicates whether the backlink was present on the referring page when our crawler first visited it
the following operators are supported: =, <>
"filters": ["original","=",false]
alt str alternative text of the image
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match
"filters": ["alt","like","%logo%"]
anchor str anchor text of the backlink
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match
"filters": ["anchor","like","%dataforseo%"]
text_pre str text snippet before the anchor text
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match
"filters": ["text_pre","like","%seo data provider%"]
text_post str text snippet after the anchor text
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match
"filters": ["text_post","like","%seo data provider%"]
semantic_location str indicates semantic element in HTML where the backlink is found
you can get the full list of semantic elements here
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match
"filters": ["semantic_location","=","article"]
links_count num number of identical backlinks found on the referring page
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": ["links_count","≥", "1"]
group_count num indicates total number of backlinks from this domain
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": ["group_count","≥", "5000"]
is_broken bool indicates whether the backlink is broken
the following operators are supported: =, <>
"filters": ["is_broken","=",true]
url_to_status_code num status code of the referenced page
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": ["url_to_status_code","=", "200"]
url_to_spam_score num spam score of the referenced page
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": [["url_to_spam_score","<", "10"]],"and",["url_to_spam_score",">","50"]]
filters available for the page intersection endpoint:
$key.domain_from str domain referring to the target domain or webpage
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
if you specify the pages in the POST request as follows:

the specified pages will be assigned with sequence numbers and the filter by the “” page will look as follows:
"filters": ["2.domain_from","=",""]

$key.url_from str URL of the page where the backlink is found
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["2.url_from","=",""]

$key.url_from str URL of the page where the backlink is found
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["2.url_from","=",""]

$key.url_from_https bool indicates whether the referring URL is secured with HTTPS
the following operators are supported: =, <>

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["2.url_from_https","=","true"]

$key.domain_to str domain the backlink is pointing to
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": [["2.domain_to","<>",""], "and", ["2.domain_to","<>",""]]

$key.url_to str URL the backlink is pointing to
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["2.url_to","<>",""]

$key.url_to_https bool indicates if the URL the backlink is pointing to is secured with HTTPS
the following operators are supported: =, <>

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["1.url_from_https","=","true"]

$key.tld_from str top-level domain of the referring URL
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": [["1.tld_from","=","com"], "and", ["2.tld_from","=","com"], and, ["3.tld_from","=","com"]]

$key.is_new bool indicates whether the backlink is new
the following operators are supported: =, <>

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["1.is_new","=","true"]

$key.is_lost bool indicates whether the backlink was removed
the following operators are supported: =, <>

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["2.is_lost","<>","true"]

$key.backlink_spam_score num spam score of the backlink
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": [["1.backlink_spam_score",">","80"]],"and",["2.backlink_spam_score","<","10"]]
$key.rank num backlink rank
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": [["1.rank",">","800"]],"and",["2.rank","<","100"]]
$key.page_from_rank num page rank of the referring page
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": [["1.page_from_rank",">","800"]],"or",["2.page_from_rank",">","800"]]
$key.domain_from_rank num page rank of the referring domain
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
"filters": [["1.domain_from_rank",">","800"]],"or",["2.domain_from_rank",">","800"]]
domain_from_platform_type array.str platform types of the referring domain
the following operators are supported: has
"filters": ["domain_from_platform_type","has","blogs"]
$key.domain_from_is_ip bool indicates if the domain is IP
the following operators are supported: =, <>

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["2.domain_from_is_ip","=","false"]

$key.domain_from_ip str IP address of the referring domain
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["1.domain_from_ip","like","%231.150"]

$key.page_from_external_links num number of external links found on the referring page
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": [["1.page_from_external_links",">","10"]],"or",["2.page_from_external_links",">","10"]]

$key.page_from_internal_links num number of internal links found on the referring page
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["1.page_from_internal_links",">","50"]

$key.page_from_size num size of the referring page, in bytes
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["3.page_from_size","<","1000000"]

$key.page_from_encoding str character encoding of the referring page
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["3.page_from_encoding","like","utf-%"]

$key.page_from_language str language of the referring page
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["3.page_from_language","=","de"]

$key.page_from_title str title of the referring page
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["3.page_from_title","like","%world cup%"]

$key.page_from_status_code num HTTP status code returned by the referring page
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["3.page_from_status_code","=","200"]

$key.first_seen time date and time when our crawler found the backlink for the first time
in the ISO 8601 format
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["1.first_seen",">","2021-01-29 01:24:54 +00:00"]

$key.prev_seen time previous to the most recent date when our crawler visited the backlink
in the ISO 8601 format
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["2.prev_seen",">","2019-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00"]

$key.last_seen time most recent date when our crawler visited the backlink
in the ISO 8601 format
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["3.last_seen",">","2020-11-15 12:57:46 +00:00"]

$key.item_type str link type
possible values:
anchor, image, link, meta, canonical, alternate, redirect;
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["1.item_type","=","anchor"]

$key.dofollow bool indicates whether the backlink is dofollow
the following operators are supported: =, <>

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["1.dofollow","=","true"]

$key.original bool indicates whether the backlink was present on the referring page when our crawler first visited it
the following operators are supported: =, <>

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["1.original","=","true"]

$key.alt str alternative text of the image
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["1.alt","like","%Gianni%"]

$key.anchor str anchor text of the backlink
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["1.anchor","like","%FIFA%"]

$key.text_pre str text snippet before the anchor text
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["1.text_pre","like","%Gianni%"]

$key.text_post str text snippet after the anchor text
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["1.text_post","not_like","%Gianni%"]

$key.semantic_location str indicates semantic element in HTML where the backlink is found
the following operators are supported: =, <>, like, not_like, ilike, not_ilike, match, not_match;

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["1.semantic_location","=","article"]

$key.links_count num number of identical backlinks found on the referring page
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["2.links_count",">","5"]

$key.group_count num indicates the total number of backlinks from this domain
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["2.group_count",">","100"]

$key.is_broken bool indicates whether the backlink is broken
the following operators are supported: =, <>

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["2.is_broken","=","false"]

$key.url_to_status_code num status code of the referenced page
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in

Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["3.url_to_status_code","=","200"]

$key.url_to_spam_score num spam score of the referenced page
the following operators are supported: <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, in, not_in
Note: the $key parameter refers to the variable denoting the sequence number of the page indicated in the targets array of the POST request;
"filters": ["3.url_to_spam_score",">","50"]
